13:20, (02.07.12): The Dr. is a Musical Dog. He’s SIRIUS. He Plays Us Songs, ‘Cause He LOVES Us! Woof!

hollyirenecardoza's picture

Earthstar Peace Calendar: Mars, Red-Tailed Hawk Day, Blue Throat Star, Essence of Harmony
♥ 11:11 (Word of Love): THE GREAT HEALER The Doctor, Invokes Cosmic Judges to Resolve Interdimensional Issues, Brings Knowledge of the Council of Twelve, Teaches to Go Within Everyday and Pray in UNIVERSAL LAW OF JUDGMENT with ARCTURUS, Invokes the Freedom Ray. Moon in TUNKASINA The Grandfathers, Protects Personal Freedom in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF FREE WILL, “Test is in Mystery of things: discover the Cell, the Waters, Prophecy’s Well.” 2nd Dimension, Violet, with CHIRON Opens Healing Portals. Stargate of HEALING, North Door of the Heart in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF CHANGE. Season of TATANKA Buffalo, North, Door of the Heart, with HUPAHU LUTA, OMAKA Ladybug, Rays Healing Energy, Opens Healing portals, Invokes Spirit of Healing in the SPIRITUAL LAW OF HEALING
Code for Day: http://bit.ly/x5qr66 
Code for Moon: http://bit.ly/zcdUyR
Code for Season: http://bit.ly/zoBNWF
Code for Stargate: http://bit.ly/z243BG
★ 12:12 (Word of Alignment): CEREMONY OF RENEWAL, UNIVERSAL ALIGNMENT & COSMIC GATES. Manifest Realm: SUNKA WAKAN OYATE Dog Star-Nation Sirius; SUNKA WAKAN IHAPI Laughing Horse, ISTA TO Blue Eye, and IKTOMI TO, Blue Spider
Code for Earth Ceremony: http://bit.ly/w6TUra
☮13:13 (Word of Peace): ABET, UNIVERSAL LAW OF ENERGY, Elemental Body of Mother with Priests of Knowledge, Peta (Fire) & Universal Mother, 2nd Dimension, Yin.
Code for Star Activation: http://bit.ly/wWf0md www.star-knowledge.net,www.starelders.net, and http://bit.ly/yOxg9H

Dreamspell: Kin150, GALACTIC ACTIVATION PORTAL DAY, WHITE RESONANT DOG, Dog Loves Heart, Wind-Guided (Spirit), Galactic 1, Dali

Tzolkin: IK', Wind, North, Airy, Breath of Spirit, Breath of Life, Power of Communication, Dissemention of Positive Thoughts and Ideas, Tone 11

Tonalmatl: Day: AKATL Reed/Bamboo, Our Internal Self, Conduces Heat & Energy, Intelligence, Observation, Analysis, Memory, Subconscience, Unites the Collective, Companion to YAYAUKI TEZKATLIPKA IXKIMILLI, Black Smoking of the Mirror, Sees without Eyes, Conscience & Memory, Assits with Suconscious Activity
Period: TITITL, Shrinking of Things in the Winter; Mother Earth Has Given Us Her Fruits
Year: Xiuitl AKATL Reed/Bamboo, Our Internal Self, Conduces Heat & Energy, Intelligence, Observation, Analysis, Memory, Subconscience, Unites the Collective, Companion to YAYAUKI TEZKATLIPKA IXKIMILLI, Black Smoking of the Mirror, Sees without Eyes, Conscience & Memory, Assists with Subconscious Activity
www.aztekayolokalli.com & kozkakuautli@gmail.com for questions

The Dr. is a Musical Dog. He’s SIRIUS. He Plays Us Songs, ‘Cause He LOVES Us! Woof!

Parliament - Bop Gun {Endangered Species}”:http://youtu.be/SkBHwY5xVCc

Photo: George Clinton aka Dr. Funkenstein

“Come On, Y’all! Raise the Vibration!”