13:20 Calendar, (03.08.12): It's All Good. Chief and Shekina Say that the Storm actually Purifies and Heals so that the Road is

hollyirenecardoza's picture

It's All Good. Chief and Shekina Say that the Storm actually Purifies and Heals so that the Road is Clear!

Art: “Power of the Blue Ray” by Araznu/Deb Graves 
Deb Graves Visionary Artist and Energy Healer

Music: "Holly Cole Trio - I Can See Clearly Now":

Full Moon 18° Virgo, Geo-Magnetic Storm

Somes Names of this Full Moon ---> Full Worm Moon, Full Crow Moon, Full Crust Moon, Full Sap Moon, Lenten Moon -http://www.farmersalmanac.com/

“Come On, Y’all! Raise the Vibration!”

Earthstar Peace Calendar: Full Whale Moon, Jupiter-Whale Day, Indigo True-Vision Star, Essence of Truth
♥ 11:11 (Word of Love): ITANCAN PEJUTA Medicine Chief, Harmony in Light Relations, The Spirit of the People, in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF NATURE with TAWAMNIPA OYATE Pleiades the Seven Sisters, Responsible for the Manifestation of Spirit into form. Moon in HOGAN IYOTAN TANKA OYATE The Whale People, Heals Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Imbalances in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF MOVEMENT AND BALANCE, “Karma greets at third gate; clearing and forgiving before Judgment’s Council and Throne” 3rd Dimension, Blue, with SHEKINAH Invokes Spirit of Healing. Stargate of RENEWAL, in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF SYMMETRY. Season of TATANKA Buffalo, North, Door of the Heart, with HUPAHU LUTA OMAKA Ladybug, Rays Healing Energy, Opens Healing Portals, Invokes Spirit of Healing in the SPIRITUAL LAW OF HEALING
Code for the Day: http://bit.ly/yM1y68
Code for Moon: http://tinyurl.com/85p989s
Code for Season: http://bit.ly/zoBNWF
Code for Stargate: http://tinyurl.com/7keezd6
★ 12:12 (Word of Alignment): CEREMONY OF RENEWAL, UNIVERSAL ALIGNMENT & COSMIC GATES. Manifest Realm: SUNKA WAKAN OYATE Dog Star-Nation Sirius; SUNKA WAKAN IHAPI Laughing Horse, ISTA TO Blue Eye, and IKTOMI TO, Blue Spider
Code for Earth Ceremony: http://bit.ly/w6TUra
☮13:13 (Word of Peace): KHET, UNIVERSAL LAW OF DIMENSIONAL TRAVEL, Planetary Form and Life with Horse, Galactic Deva: Light Song, and Manna: Material Core of Universe. 3rd Dimension, Yin.
Code for Star Activation: http://bit.ly/wZJvd1
www.star-knowledge.netwww.starelders.net, andhttp://bit.ly/yOxg9H

Dreamspell: Kin 179, BLUE PLANETARY STORM, Catalyses Self Generation, Hand-Guided (Accomplishment), Solar 2, Seli

Tzolkin: EB, Road/Grass, South, Bear of Time, Conductor of Destiny, Supremely Devoted to Human Beings, Gives Guidance, Opens Pathways, Tone 2

Day: ATL, Water, Our Growth, Vital Element, Makes Like Possible & Purifies It, Adapts to Container, the Duality of Fire, Constantly Creating, Penetrating, Perseverant, Companion with XIUTEKUTLI, The Guide of Fire, Ultraviolet Rays of the Sun & Cosmos
Period: NEMONTEMI, What Has Been Lived. A Time for Reflection, Balance and Adjustment.
Year: Xiuitl AKATL Reed/Bamboo, Our Internal Self, Conduces Heat & Energy, Intelligence, Observation, Analysis, Memory, Subconscience, Unites the Collective, Companion to YAYAUKI TEZKATLIPKA IXKIMILLI, Black Smoking of the Mirror, Sees without Eyes, Conscience & Memory, Assists with Subconscious Activity
www.aztekayolokalli.com & kozkakuautli@gmail.com for questions