13:20 Calendar, (12.18.12): DAY 6 of the the HARMONIC CONVERGENCE OF 2012!

hollyirenecardoza's picture

13:20 Calendar, (12.18.12): DAY 6 of the the HARMONIC CONVERGENCE OF 2012!


ART: “Imagine” by WulfWorks, www.wulfworks.net
“Inspired by the John Lennon song,

"Imagine all the people sharing all the world."
Earth shines like a star with the heart of love in its center.
The crescent moon sheds her light and watches over our planet.”

SONG: “Imagine - The Beatles - John Lennon”
“We do know that the famous "Imagine" recording by John Lennon is exactly in 528/444”
www.528records.com, Leonard Horowitz

“Come On, People! Raise the Vibration!”


♥ 11:11 MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN (Word of Love, The Way of the EarthStar, Universal & Spiritual Laws of Creator):
DAY: UNIVERSAL LAW OF JUDGMENT & TRUTH, “Evokes Visionary Experience, Invokes Cosmic Judges to Resolve Interdimensional Issues, Balances Karma and Aligns Sacred Path”, Mars Day, Blue Throat Star, Essence of Harmony. Code for the Day: http://tiny.cc/4tsipw

★ 12:12 UNCI IKTOMI WICAHPI WICOHAN (Word of Alignment, The Way of the StarSpider, Universal & Spiritual Laws of Universal Mother):
CEREMONY: REMEMBRANCE, Universal Ocean of Reality. Manifest Realm: ESSENCE with URSA MAJOR with Walking Bear, MATO MANI, Big Sar Bear, Ursa Major, MATO WICAHPI TANKA, and Grandmother StarSpider, UNCI IKTOMI WICAHPI

☮13:13: CAN WAKAN WICHON (Word of Peace, The Way of the Sacred Tree, Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creation, The Inner Akasha):
SHIR, SPIRITUAL WAY of LIGHTFORCE, 12th Dimension Yang, Regency Council of 12 with Lightning, WAZI, the PHOTON CONFEDERACY, and ESSENCE, PRESENCE, Star DNA Activation = Medulla, Star Path = Sacred Bear Nation

MOON: GOOD HEART, CANTE WASTE HANHEPI WI, Center, Door of Creator, in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF UNITY with the ANTAKARANA “The Web of Life, Tree of Life, The Mother’s Heart, The Center Pole Love, Antakarana binds Central Sun to Mother Earth’s glowing Heart.” 13th Dimension, Green

SEASON: HEALING, HUPAHU LUTA OMAKA, with HUPAHU LUTA, RedWing Lady Bug, Rays Healing Energy, CHIRON, Opens Heart Portals, and SHEKINAH, Invokes Spirit of Healing, Gold

STARGATE: LOVE, THE GOOD HEART, “Reach Tops of Tree, 13th Moon and 13th Gate: Set yourself free: Non-judgment, Non-attachment, Clarity--live Ascension’s Web.”
www.star-knowledge.net & www.starelders.net

6th DAY OF THE HARMONIC CONVERGENCE OF 2012, YELLOW SOLAR SEED, Kin 204, Targets Flowering, Sun-Guided, Red Rhythmic Dragon Moon, Limi 6, "Every Culture has it’s particular set of images and symbols that define the Nature of Mind and Consciousness in everyday life."

“I Pulse in Order to Target,
Realizing Awareness.
I Seal the Input of Flowering
With the Solar Tone of Intention.
I Am Guided by the Power of Universal Fire.”

www.lawoftime.org, www.13moon.com, www.timewaves.org, www.spacestationplaza.com, www.planetartnetwork.info

CABAN, Earth, East, Introspective, Profound, Synchronous Connection to Earth’s Natural Cycles, Powerful Creativity, Insight into Ancient Wisdom, Meticulous, Intelligent, Delicate Sensitivities, Tone 1 with XIUHTECUHTLI, God of Fire and Time, Ruler of the First Day of the Trecena, and the First Day and First Heaven of the Galactic Underworld, Initiation, Sowing

DAY UNTIL SUNSET: E’EKATL, The Wind, Our Breath of Life and the Medium of All Living Beings. It Carries the Sound and Scatters the Pollen, Symbolizes Harmony and Creativity. Companion to KETZALKOATL E’EKATL, Precious Serpent, Precious Knowledge and Wisdom, a Precious Twin, and Our Breath of Life and Giving.

DAY AFTER SUNSET: KALLI, House, Our Home, A Refuge and a House of Thoughts. This is a Safe Place for Reflection and Re-Grouping for the Comprehension of All Living Beings. Companion to TEPEYOLOTLI, Heart of the Mountain, a Jaguar. A Representation of TEZKATLIPOKA, Giving Us Internal Knowledge of Events and of People, Leading Us to Concentration and Dedication.

PERIOD: PANKETZALIZTLI: Raising of the Precious Standards, UITZILOPOCHTLI, The Will

YEAR: TEKPATL, Flint, Our Tongue, Word, Profound, Pointed & Sharp, Profound Method of Study & Analysis to Produce Enduring Concepts, Companion with CHALCHIUTOTOLIN Jade Turkey, Force of Action, Vanity of Humans, Teaches to Sacrifice the Eyes & Ego to Be a Torch of Light--not Smoke and to Be a Mirror for Others by Seeing with Your Heart
www.aztekayolokalli.com, Mazatzin Aztekayolokalli http://on.fb.me/A3Rd10, & kozkakuautli@gmail.com


♥★☮ <---LOVE, LIGHT, & PEACE