13:20: Seeding a Song for Humanity's Freedom!

hollyirenecardoza's picture


Earthstar Peace Calendar: Sun Day/Manitou Day, Violet Crown Star, Essence of Freedom, DOWAN WASTE, Sweet Song, Atones Self to Celestial World, Teaches of the Devic Natures in You, in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF LIGHT, SOUND AND VIBRATION, with IYOZANZAN ZIZI Golden Ray in the SPIRITUAL LAW OF STRENGTH, HEALTH AND HAPPINESS/UNIVERSAL OCEAN OF REALITY, Manifest Realm: Essence, Ursa Major with MATO MANI, Walking Bear, MATO WICHAPI TANKA, Big Star Bear, and UNCI IKTOMI WICAHPI, Grandmother Star Spider/AK, Universal Law of Breath, Infinity, with TATE The Wind, EL MORYA, UNIVERSAL EYE, and MATO WAKAN WICAHPI OYATE Sacred Bear Star Nation

http://star-knowledge.net/ and http://www.starelders.net/


Dreamspell: Kin 92, YELLOW MAGNETIC HUMAN, Influences Free Will, Human-Guided (Free Will), Overtone 27, Limi



Tzolkin: KAN, Seed, South, Sensuality, Family, Sexual Activity, The Magic of Germination, Tone 5



Tonalmatl: KUAUTLI, Eagle, Solar Symbol, Our Vision, Renovation, Purification, and Cleansing, Presence of Freedom & Liberty, Guardian of House of Creating Energy, Companion with TLATLAUKI TEZKATLIPOKA, XIPE TOTEK, Red Smoking of the Mirror, Changes Us, Conscious Organizing of Time & Space that Leads to Our Transformation/KECHOLLI, Arrival of The Birds with Beautiful Feathers, Time of MIXKOATL, the Hunter/AKATL, Reed



Seeding a Song for Humanity's Freedom!


need explanation pls

Guest's picture

dearest holly

can you kindly explain what your mumbo jumbo above REALLY means? it was quite confusiong to be honest. walk in truth and light little one.


hollyirenecardoza's picture

Hi Guest!  Thanks for Your interest in the mumbo jumbo!  ;)

The four calendars referenced in the posts, are indigineous calendars based on the 13:20 frequency.  

Here is what I wrote on Nov. 25th, 2011:

"As You may know, a calendar is pivotal to a culture.  It tells us when to work, play, rest, and celebrate, for example.

As You may ALSO know, the 'time' for the 12:60 Gregorian calendar's replacement has arrived, so....Welcome to the 13:20 Calendar, the Natural Attutement with The Cosmos!  It turns out it was here the whole 'time', waiting for as to wake up, and tune in..."

Each day, 'month'/cycle, and year has a name--a frequency or harmonic--and that's what the posts describe.  

MUCH info is found online.  I invite You to let Your Self guide You to the information.  Googling "13:20 calendar," is a great start, as well as the websites referenced in the post.

It's FUN!!!!!

Yes, walking in Truth & Light,
