150 People who care becoming millions of lives saved! Add your voice to the request for the cancer, alzheimers, and etc cure!

Legalize Freedom's picture

150 Signatures means a lot. You're looking at this, and someone right now is in pain. I've visited emergency rooms, pharmacies, crippled old people being slowly poisoned away with drugs that unleash further diseases over time through intentional side effects.

Cancer itself a byproduct of unwholesome disconnected from nature living. Technology is either green or toxic. 

Add your voice to this petition, you have no idea how many lives can be saved just by it getting past the 150 signature threshold. 

While you're at it, stand up for freedom of religion too. 

My family has lost 2 lives to something that has a cure. Right now a third is in desperate need of the oil just to live without pain, and has gotten gout, which cannabis oil also heals. He is afraid to break the law, since the law's purpose is to break and hurt innocent people, so, how can I help him unless change happens?  Your signature here means closure for me. I want my voice to be heard and seen by people other than just you. 

Will you help me on both issues? I'd like my religion to be protected not targeted by the government who promises "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" 
That's why my name is Legalize Freedom.



