
THC in Medical Marijuana Helps Stop the Spread of HIV/AIDS

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By: Christina Sarich, 02/19/2014

marijuana hiv 263x164 THC in Medical Marijuana Helps Stop the Spread of HIV/AIDS

A group of researchers from Louisiana State University published a study last week in the journal AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses which suggests that cannabis/marijuana can help stop the progression of the AIDS/HIV disease, and its associated symptoms of chronic pain, nausea, fatigue, and more. The specific compound that halts the spread of HIV compounds into other healthy cells is none other than tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), or the principle psychoactive constituent in cannabis plants.


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Italy overturns 'absurd' drug law equating marijuana and hard drugs

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By:, 02/14/2014

AFP Photo / Luis Robayo

(AFP Photo / Luis Robayo)

Italy’s constitutional court has overturned a controversial law equating cannabis with cocaine and heroin. The decision could see around 10,000 people released from the country’s overburdened jails. The court ruled the law was “illegitimate,” without elaborating further.


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Barack Obama says smoking marijuana less dangerous than drinking alcohol

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By: Jon Swaine, 01/19/2014


President Barack Obama has said that smoking marijuana is less dangerous than drinking alcohol in an interview that risked undermining national drugs laws. Mr Obama said that using the drug, which remains illegal under US federal law, was safer than drinking "in terms of its impact on the individual consumer". He said that it was "important" for the controversial legalisation of marijuana by two American states to proceed, as it would end the unfair penalisation of a minority of smokers.


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Could Marijuana Hold the Key to Treating Brain Damage from Alcoholism?

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Natural Society, By: Christina Sarich, 12/29/2013

marijuana neuro 263x164 Could Marijuana Hold the Key to Treating Brain Damage from Alcoholism?

Excessive alcohol consumption takes a toll on your health in various ways. It’s linked to a variety of health ailments including liver disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and even brain damage. But a recent study from the Universities of Maryland and Kentucky indicates a special potential treatment for warding off and even reversing such brain damage caused by alcohol—cannabidiol (cannabis). Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound found in marijuana. It doesn’t contain any psychoactive constituents, which means it doesn’t get you high. But it is linked to numerous health benefits.


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Why Does the Myth of Marijuana and Schizophrenia Persist Despite Numerous Debunkings?

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The Leaf Online, By: Jeremy Daw, 12/27/2013

Now, the most powerful evidence against the supposed marijuana-insanity link has come forth, with the publication of  a new Harvard study showing that evidence of increased prevalence of schizophrenia among people who smoked pot in their teens can be explained by genetic and other familial factors instead of any causal relationship between pot and mental illness.  Why, then, does the myth of marijuana and mental illness still persist?


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The Media Should Stop Pretending Marijuana's Risks Are a Mystery -- The Science Is Clear

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AlterNet, By: Paul Armentano, 12/20/2013

Despite the US government's nearly century-long prohibition of the plant, cannabis is nonetheless one of the most investigated therapeutically active substances in history. To date, there are over 20,000 published studies or reviews in the scientific literature referencing the cannabis plant and its cannabinoids, nearly half of which were published within the last five years according to a keyword search on PubMed Central, the US government repository for peer-reviewed scientific research. Over 1,450 peer-reviewed papers were published in 2013 alone.


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Legalising Cannabis In Britain, Like Uruguay, 'Would Save Millions'

Silver's picture, By: Charlotte Meredith, 12/15/2013

The debate over the legalisation of cannabis has been moving increasingly from the margins into the political mainstream, with multiple cities, states and countries considering, developing or implementing a range of regulated market models. Many public figures, including some politicians, are in agreement that fifty years later, the war on drugs has failed – so has the time come for Britain to take the step from prohibition to legalised regulation? At a time when Britain is facing brutal austerity measure, The Institute For Social And Economic Research recently estimated that a regulated market could reduce the government deficit by up to £1.25bn, whilst producing roughly £400m in "net benefit" for the country.


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