2013 The Co~ Creation of The New Earth Meditation

Lia's picture


..As The First Wavers, or what Some Refer to as The Way showers,  we will help the next cycle enter heaven and raise there vibrations of Pure and Real Love....and then those within the next cycle will assist the next cycle and so on and so on...like a spiral...until Eternal Ascension....Then Together as One Love We will carry the Grand task of Building a new way of living...as Gods and Goddesses, a True spiritual life....that Supports the Highest good of all...in ALL Moments Of Creation!!

Together as One Love, in highest and best for all, we will build a new Universal Government system and then Transform into a Galactic Society with its many gifts and treasures....Knowing we are all one....and all will flow as one...
Now as all Higher Selves on the Planet Are Present With US, We Stated the Following out loud in Representation for The ALL.
I am Grand.....I am Unconditional Love....I am Worthy....I am Peace....I am Joy.....I am magnificent....I am harmonious....I am kind and gentle...I will serve for the highest good of all.... I Am Present, and I Am Awakened, I am Equal because I am God

...WE Have Now Entered into the Unknown and The Reward is Now, as Co~creators with Love, we will create Grandness like WE have never Experienced Before. Together We Will Create Heaven on Earth.... because We Are Heaven on Earth.

Now  Each of You have a Candle, and We Turn to each other and Lite all Candles until We are ALL One Flame Burning Brightly Together.. within this flame is a New Beginning of the Forever NOW... and we all enter the One river of life all unique and We will play together, laugh together, share and give to each other, We Will Be as ONE... in the moment of NOW......Let the fireworks begin.....and  from this moment on...We are ALL One Unique Collective Consciousness, and SO it is and So Shall be Done, WE are ALL One, Let the Ascension Begin, ALL Prayers From the Heart are Coming True!




Thank you

Mario's picture

This is truly a grand event, we help for help to help. Beyond the norm of information amazing is to be, but without us to see is the one's of other reality's to help in never ending augmentation of our reality's for heaven=heart=earth 4*88 New earth. Thank you.