2013 The Year I Fell Up!

Monica Jackson's picture


Aloha and Happy New Year!By the end of 2012 I was tired, beat, and ready for anything New.  By the first of the year a image and idea popped in. I saw myself for the hundred of thousands times heading for the cliff, I felt the wind in my hair and I could feel the cliff and this time I knew I was going over...I felt different, unafraid, calm and then as I was preparing my beautiful swan dive downward, I shot upward like bird. It was startling and as I was shooting upward, I felt joy and delight like first flight....


We are falling Up! We are going past where we were before....Way past. We have broken thorugh and we are going upward on the spiral of life.



We entered the Looking Glass back the way we Entered but this time the timelines of maddness and mayhem have been blocked. As we went back through our path leads up and I feel sorta over from where we first walked through.



The story has now been erased and the new story is growing.  We are the New Story.

It is bubbling forth and no longer can be contained...We did it! We flew Up!


Mahalo and Blessings and Love for all of us who faced the cliff and jumped in Faith.

May you have Peace, MJackson