Monica Jackson's blog

From the Fringe 2013, Ideas for future help with the newly aware

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Thank-you all for the information here.....It is indeed a blessing to find energy, True Blue Energy at this time.


I know that very soon folks are going to need us. I know how mad, sad, and just grossed out they are all going to be...Lots of swearing and throwing things...I have been thinking that maybe we can design a couple of web sites that folks can go to where they can Let Go of the Shit. So let's say a Gloom Room they can write or record their rant. It should be understood that they will recieve no comments and I say let's delete each e-mail as they come in so the Re-lease is complete and no one else has to  deal with the Energy of the Release.  The other Room is for folks that do want to chat it up! They can all gather there and let it rip! There will be a warning about going there how the Energy will be. It is for the folks that need to scream and shout and let it out and have a few folks screaming and shouting with them. "With" being the operative word. This site gets deleted each day, again for the completion of the Re-Lease. 


I feel that I have been working on my personal protection. I have my personal team that is helping me and guiding me to remain calm and centered and to really not take anything anywhere, any how serious or personal...BE Dis-engaged, while Sending Love in all Things.


I have been kicking it about these around the sites. I am a Flintsone when it comes to this. I have to re-do my web site and gather the art and stuff so please I am sending this out there in hopes it will catch a fire and some other awakened soul will build on it....


Have a wild April,  I know I am....Peace and Light, MJ 2013 I am the 13th arrow

2013 The Year I Fell Up!

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Aloha and Happy New Year!By the end of 2012 I was tired, beat, and ready for anything New.  By the first of the year a image and idea popped in. I saw myself for the hundred of thousands times heading for the cliff, I felt the wind in my hair and I could feel the cliff and this time I knew I was going over...I felt different, unafraid, calm and then as I was preparing my beautiful swan dive downward, I shot upward like bird. It was startling and as I was shooting upward, I felt joy and delight like first flight....


We are falling Up! We are going past where we were before....Way past. We have broken thorugh and we are going upward on the spiral of life.



We entered the Looking Glass back the way we Entered but this time the timelines of maddness and mayhem have been blocked. As we went back through our path leads up and I feel sorta over from where we first walked through.



The story has now been erased and the new story is growing.  We are the New Story.

It is bubbling forth and no longer can be contained...We did it! We flew Up!


Mahalo and Blessings and Love for all of us who faced the cliff and jumped in Faith.

May you have Peace, MJackson 

I got a double wide purple washer machine spinning over my head

Monica Jackson's picture



For several weeks I had this notion about how can I keep negative thoughts and stuff away from my growing "field." I was doing my daily walk when the idea of a giant washer machine popped into my head. Hence the title. It made me happy to see a giant purple washer spinning clock wise sometimes and other times counter clock wise over my head.


I made it purple so that it is my giant Transmuter of all thoughts actions etc. There is a stream of energy from the top of my head and the energy goes into the machine and then it shoots out the top of the machine all clean straight up and back into energy.


I asked Adamus St. Germaine if I could called it the Adamus Eleketra888 model. He and I actually laughed about it and he said I could call it that if I wrote about it. He has been bugging me for several weeks now.  So here it is. Anyone can use it and you don't need quarters or laundry soap. Just your intentions to transmute negativity into love.  That is all it takes. I leave it on constantly and if something major happens I intentionally put it on extra large load and let it rip.....Breathe.


I have opened my new bag of majick tricks and I am getting comfortable in my new skin and my washer and I are busy every day.


May this day bring more Joy, Peace, Fun, Love and Happiness your Way.


In Love,


Hear,Here and Now

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The changing is so disruptive and exciting at the same time. I am so happy to be alive to feel this time in my human skin.   So much has changed yet the outside still goes on like a old car. Clunking along, smoke blowing out the tail pipes rusty rims, torn upholstery, tires bald and the breaks hardly there....


Flashes of light now and colors as an artist it is an inspiration and as someone who always thought things were hinky, a relief and knowing love was powerful even before I knew just how powerful.


Things really blew up when our PC went dead, right at the end of June....We got our first Apple on my partner's birthday in August....we are also wireless...Positive things are popping up for us and I have a smile at the ready...Now when I see the news or go back here into the computer world, I do see and feel a difference....I can't stay here too long, I have to get up and go outside....


We are learning our new computer and our creativity flow as started again and that feels so great to want to paint and create again...It took until today to even want to share...not that I didn't want to but words are more difficult now...I find sounds intense, some actually shattering. Smells, wow, there some you just don't want to and they can make a girl swoon.....Colors the colors of Nature standing out as if on a black piece of paper...Feeling love actually pouring into my heart leaving my knees week.


I am grateful to be Here. I am excited and hopeful about my future. I am calm yet not and knowing the difference all at the same time. I Stand for Peace and Love and the rest well, I just don't care anymore......Have a great weekend everyone, Breathe it all in it is worth it and where ever you are is exactly where you Are.




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Yesterday I was taking my daily walk when a story popped into my head.....I am an artist and I love to write poems etc but this was good:


The center of the Storm

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After years of questing, I pushed-pulled my way down deeper into the rabbit hole. By the time 2012 arrived I was a different human...So many feelings and no time to "mental think" them all through. The highs are very and the lows are so mucky now that I work hard not to go "there."


Being a long time sci-fi lover and always believed in life out was unsettling and exciting to see my clear UFO's around my house to see orbs almost daily since 2010. To learn the "Truth" about the Illumaniti and how far and deep we have all been enslaved took my breath away... But the kicker for me the one where I cried heavily for three days: The moon is fake. Yeah that one unpeeled layers like no one's business for me...It left me raw and naked and unraveled so much of my personal beliefs that for about 24 hours I did not know who the fuck I was or who I was becoming and all I could think about is what is everyone else gonna do when they find out about the Moon all the bases there, the Nasa cover up the whole pie?


Now when I look up at the moon I do not greet her. I do not do full moon incantations. I do not light my candles for her. I have been betrayed and cheated and led to believe in something that is hollow full of aliens and their bases along with now captured human bases. Look at the know that what we view is a hologram and what is really going on there and how it got there in the first just makes a woman's knees go weak.


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