February 18, 2015
29 Leo 59 / 29 Aquarius 59
February’s Aquarius New Moon starts the approach to the awakenings that will take us into spring. The event is as quirky and distinctive as the sign it occupies. Like January’s, this Moon is in Aquarius, but with a vastly different textures. It is like a diving board that propels us into objectivity, then drops us into boundless emotion and interconnectedness.
This Aquarius New Moon is at the last minute of the last degree of the sign, so far along that it may as well be Pisces. In fact, the Sun and the Moon both slide into Pisces only minutes after meeting. Their movement spotlights friendships, dreams and wishes while also immersing us in retreat, self-reflection and an inescapable awareness that more change is on the way. The quick transition is propelling and confusing, dousing cool intellect with empathy and sensitivity, tossing detachment like a life preserver to keep us afloat on the vast sea of life.