By Kathy Biehl
August 29, 2015
11:35 AM PDT / 2:35 PM EDT / 6:35 PM GMT
6 Pisces 6
The 2015 Pisces Full Moon is a combination waking dream, party, and mini-vacation, marking not only the end of summer, but also the winding down of years of upheaval. It is an escape from what has come before, and a breather before we get to the work of the fall.
Any Pisces Full Moon unhinges us from ordinary boundaries between individuals, and between us and mundane reality, time and space. We experience greater than usual awareness of our interconnectedness with other people and humanity in general, heightened empathy, compassion and love, and with the divine. We are more open to peak artistic experiences, to otherworldly inspiration and, let’s be honest, to countering rational thought with drink, drugs, and entertainment.