3 Important Things To Know If You Are On The Cusp Of Change

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So, you want to see big changes in your life. Perhaps you want a new love interest, creative outlet, home, job, or radical change of career. A little jarring but true, you can pretty accurately gauge your ability to create the experiences you desire most by your answer to the following simple, but oh-so powerful question:

Are you willing to do whatever it takes – no matter what?

I know this well because it is a conversation I have every day with clients and prospective clients that come to me requesting guidance and support creating the life-changes that on their most core levels, they want and need.

Invariably during these types of exchanges, it becomes apparent that the energy and consciousness of the individual in question, much like waves on the shore, are ‘breaking’ against the invisible boundary that separates their current life from a potential new one brimming with possibility, adventure, and untapped potential.
