64 Nations Say No To GMO, Yet US Govt Nears Illegal GMO Labeling

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Source: www.naturalsociety.com | Original Post Date: July 30, 2015 –

The WHO has already declared that five of the major chemical herbicides used to grow GMO crops are either likely or definitely cancerous, yet the USA still makes secret trade deals that would allow biotech to push their genetically modified ‘food’ on Americans who don’t want to eat it.

Our right to know if we are even eating GMO crops is being taken away via legislation known as the Deny Americans the Right to Know Act (DARK) act. (This is officially known as the ‘Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act.)

More than 60 countries have already passed mandatory GMO labeling laws, and many will ban GMO crops altogether this year if they haven’t already. You can see a great map of these GM labeling bans here.
