7 Simple Ways To Uplift Your Day

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It’s one of those rainy cold days where you wake up and your body feels weak – and you haven’t even gotten yourself out of bed. You think to yourself  “Great, the day hasn’t even started and it’s already a bad one.” All you want to do is pull the covers over you head, but responsibilities and life are waiting for you.

Option 1: Maintain that dragged out feeling.

Option 2: Try the simple practices below to uplift your morning – helping the rest of your day flow with more ease and energy:

1. Make a warm drink and sit with it for 5 minutes.

Whether it’s coffee, tea, or warm water with raw apple cider vinegar (great for a gentle morning detoxification) – give yourself a few minutes to feel the warmth of the cup in your palms and the soothing sensation of the drink flowing through you, giving yourself these few moments to be with yourself before multitasking with a coffee in one hand and your computer in the other. Being fully attentive with a soothing drink is a simple way to start your morning off with a few nurturing moments.
