The Ability To See

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"Though the moments of Sight are rare in the life of a person, they are available to everyone, who is aware of them, alert, and pays attention to them. The level of your Alertness is therefore what determines whether the experience is a real turning point in your life, or the Sight is blurred, you fall back to sleep and continue dreaming your personal history. 

The capability of Sight, however, cannot be obtained, practiced, you cannot make it the brightest gem of your spiritual Ego. The capability of Sight is now at your disposal, since it is identical with your original Self. But thick clouds of thoughts obscure your chances of recognizing that, they prevent you from seeing clearly. 

There is, however, some good news to you: I can explain how to dispel the fog and the clouds, how you are able to release the deeper dimensions of Alertness in yourself." Frank M. Wanderer
