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Bravery and Risk in the Age of Truth

by Julian Rose

Rising-up almost perceptibly now, in an increasing number of individuals, is a powerful urge to give expression to truth at its profoundest level. This is the life-force itself, demanding action and urging all who feel it to step forward into the front lines of a great battle. The battle to overcome the purveyors of gross injustice and stand firm for the global manifestation of truth.

Truth can seem illusive at such times as these, as that which is an expression of Supreme Consciousness does not show its radiant face to those who take no risks and show no bravery. However, each of us are sparks emanating from one great fire, and due to this, are blessed with powers capable of bringing about a total transformation - once we choose to take the risk of living for an ideal that radiates with light.

‘Kracking the Covid Ghost Code’

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Mankind’s Great Self Inflicted Initiation

by Julian Rose

Energy has to go somewhere. If it is blocked from following its natural path, it must manifest as a distortion”

The Reason why so many are suffering under the totalitarian imposition of Covid lockdown rules, is because they subconsciously fear the fight for freedom and justice more than they fear serfdom, injury and even death at the hands of a dictatorship operating under the pseudonym ‘government.’

This was already perceived by Albert Einstein who reputedly said “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”

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The Indivisibility of Life

by Julian Rose

‘Know Thyself’

On a tombstone in an English churchyard is the following inscription “Here lies John Bailey. The fact that he died does not guarantee that he lived”.

And that is surely the point. ‘To Live’ is the dynamic expression of existence; not being stuck in some soulless routine permanently in fear of stepping out of line with a sterile status quo.

The art of living involves the assertion of freedom, creativity and empathy with and for fellow humans and all living beings. It is our deepest self expression of an organic sense of purpose. The will to live is expressed through the flow of that warm inner feeling called ‘love of life’.

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The Great Reject - of the Great Reset

by Julian Rose

We Are the Power

The World that Klaus Schwab, executive director of the World Economic Forum, wants us to rubber stamp is a 100% dystopian nightmare. In fact, if one was to write a film script about the worst of all outcomes for the human race and planet, Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’ dream would perfectly fill the bill.

Everything that moves and breathes is to be sanitised, anaesthetized and digitalised proclaims the WEF White Paper of October 2020. This is the way to turn the world ‘Green’ according to Schwab and his team of technocratic trolls. Well, most of us will turn green just by reading this WEF master-plan for humanity “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda in a post Covid World” so there’s really no need to bother with its implementation, is there?

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Life Starts from Here

by Julian Rose

Let's do a reality check: many of us wake-up in the morning with our default memory sleepily reverted back to a pre-covid state of seeming 'normality'. But after splashing our face with cold water, taking the dog for a walk and having some breakfast, it dawns on us that we are being strung-along by the hands of a puppet master, whose tweaking of the strings of power is making us dance to a tune which is 100% alien to our natural evolutionary inclinations.

That puppet master is actually not one person, but a number of people; although calling them 'people' might already be an error, since they operate in the shadows of a life less than human and impose their will based on a narcissistic ambition to 'own' everything – and of course, to control it too.

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Humanity’s Great Fight-Back

by Julian Rose

It must be occurring to millions of individuals, upon observing the depressing spectacle of top down politics in action, that in the great majority of cases what are termed 'governments' are no longer in any way fit to govern.

It must be dawning on many millions, possibly billions, that those who have been elected to represent the needs and interests of the people, are spectacularly failing in this role.

It must fast be becoming a reality for the great majority of people still able to think, that our world is in the hands of those who display none of the attributes that would pass for 'leadership', but an abundance of almost precisely the opposite attributes.

will's picture

Freedom or Fascism?

by Julian Rose

Here we are. No more speculation about 'what awaits around the corner'; the jail keepers are escorting us down the concrete corridor and the cell keys are hanging from his belt. Each one of us, in turn, convicted - without notice and without trial – of being Human and electing to express ourselves accordingly. That is the new definition of 'terrorist'.

The battle lines are drawn; there is no other way to honestly state it, we are in the fight of – and for - our lives. We go forward, with the courage and conviction which comes with refusing to be derailed from the path of truth. Or, capitulate to the central control system and fall into a very dark pit from which there is no charted escape.

We shall know each other by the calibre of our actions. We do not have to wear a badge announcing 'the resistance'. The army that we are becoming is forming organically. No uniform required, no 'uniformity' visible. We know our task and do not need to wait for a command.

NEEDED: Vision and Leadership for the Family of Man

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by Julian Rose

One cannot fail to recognise the ubiquitous crisis in all forms of leadership that exists on the planet today. Qualities of wisdom, courage and statesmanship, once admired and emulated by aspiring people of principle, have been undermined and sterilised via collective slavery to the prescribed money and power agenda, which reflects the default position of society.

Today, little people claim to be big and ‘big’ people seem to want to be invisible. The higher values of society have been corrupted and put into reverse, replaced by a centrally directed pandemic of fear and confusion; leaving nobody sure what direction society needs to move in.

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The People Will Rise

by Julian Rose

“We are done with fake democracy and undisguised top-down exploitation”

There is only one solution for the insane mess that goes under the name of 'democracy' to day, and that is to return to human scale largely self governing communities.

Breaking the Paralysis of Servitude

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by Julian Rose

It has become abundantly clear that 'we the people' are being subjected to a divisive and derisive 'leadership' pantomime of truly global proportions and we cannot any longer simply hope some sanity will emerge to change this situation.

Stand back for a moment and admire the view. Politicians, civil servants, billionaires, bankers, telecom chiefs, pharmaceutical CEO's – you name them – are all acting as though the standard procedures of responsibility and the rule of law have been abandoned and anyone wearing a suit or uniform - and displaying an air of importance - can now step in and make up the rules as they go along.


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