THE ACTIVITY, ........... of Creation

Yojman's picture




The Activity of Creation

Pelude; , As some may understand, the first knowing that must be in place to use this flow is that 'I Am' in any form (written, spoken or thought and felt) is God/Source in action. Everything is I Am. Hence it's all God. But the words "I AM' written here, as always. are not personal. They mean God in Action.        ______________________________________________________


When you choose to bring something into

form –manifested, tangible– see

 it inside your head, behind your eyes.

Practice. Really practice.

This works perfectly, by Law.

See the thing when in bed before sleep.

Wake up and be grateful for it.

Feel the love and gratitude

for the Power you will reveal,

the joy you will share,

the accomplishment.

Again, pull the Vision inside

(rather than seeing it out-away).

The feeling of a powerful YES

is a Nova Burst of Power.

“Manifest now, Manifest now, Manifest now.”

Why not? Remember, it is the God Power,


acting through you, as you, here.

I AM here,

or rather,

Here is I AM.

By giving Constancy to your Vision,

it MUST become physical!

(**from wave to particle**).


I Am The Great Creative Heart of God;

what I visualize is real…!





Gratz to the Max

Yojman's picture

You always remind us to look up beloved, Cheers  to that