Yojman's blog

The New Children and the Job

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Lovers of Peace, as you breathe,

and sigh a “happy to be here sigh,”

in your bright visions today, we as a group

could be of rich service to the Great Plan

by connecting with the children

and the entire younger generation.

Important Message, Updated

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 An Update,

The faction of our Highly Ascended Master/Cosmic Being Buddies have assured us that: Due to the Truth of the Humanity's and Earth's Freedom Won and the dark minions forced surrender or leave.... This is their, "Not gonna leave without an attack against the Great Star Born Constitution / Bill of Rights country that we hate"


And So, Here is our reply to that, as the only true Authority / Presense

Hello My Love, an Important Message

Yojman's picture



Hello my Love, and now we are Standing

ever closer in the New Light. There will be

a great movement of individuals, of the masses

who WILL COME to the gathering of where Truths

are being shared and experienced.  Feel this.

The biggest or most important Act of the Divine Plan

upcoming now is the coming of the masses. Get This.

What we must now reveal is, that it will happen in large part

do to pain, the pain of fear, the pain of emergency. Do

  not be surprised, humans have used pain for millions

of seasons to get to where they need to go, yes.   We

The Great Goddess , , , of Peace Speaks

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From out of the Great Great Silence

has  come  the  Goddess  of  Peace,

to share Her Heart’s Love with us.

“Constant lovers of Life in all Its forms,

it is that Constant Loving Kindness

which has no doubt or fear

Continuing on Behalf of Nature; Our Service

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Continuing, dear Co-Servers,

with what Love can do for you and all other Life in and on Earth.

Give a moment of thought to

the Cosmic Threefold Flame in your heart.

It is a miraculous ditto of the Godhead

and it is all Power, Intelligence,


Yojman's picture


*** Here's the UPDATE, http://talkingpointsmemo.com/


Here's THE EXAMINER  as of Sat 11am EDT ((the other 2 on target ones see /know the same.




Thank You, oh Light of God that always prevails, and is NOT to fail.


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