All bodies are in the process of clearing....Completeness and wholeness is the birthright of every soul...

AdiGaia's picture
1600x680 18486 In the red lake 3d landscape nature sunset picture image digital art

NOVEMBER 9, 2014

We of the Arcturian Group welcome all to this message presented with love for the purpose of a greater knowledge and understanding of truth. We observe many beginning to question their personal belief systems which indicates clearing within the mental body. All bodies are in the process of clearing. You are not just a physical body, that which is seen with human eyes, but are also etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies which constitute your energy field. The Light emanating from earth is increasing daily, you are creating change even if it does not seem that way at this moment.

At this time you are clearing all bodies of obsolete and outgrown energies accumulated through lifetimes lived in density and ignorance and are replacing them with frequencies of Light and truth. Beliefs and concepts based in duality and separation are never real for they have no spiritual law to support them, and therefore must be let go and cleared in order to move into the higher dimensional energies--this is ascension.


Marlene Swetlishoff ~ HILARION ~ November 9-16, 2014

Beloved Ones,
You have all received a great influx of energy in the past week and this is now beginning to assimilate within your human operating systems. This higher energy creates a greater cleansing and purging to occur, bringing up memories and triggers from the past that set you into reaction rather than thoughtful response. When this happens, realize that it is part of the process of integration and assimilation by your body system and forgive yourselves the irritability and lack of patience in your interactions with others. You are doing fine, so do not berate yourselves too much for not having enough patience to recognize old patterns of behavior before you respond to others who have triggered the old and well worn patterns. You know there is another and better way to view and respond to the situation but it comes up anyway in the same old pattern. This requires from you an observation of yourself during those moments so you can set the intent to respond in a different way next time.