Ant People of the Hopi and the Annunaki

Angelove117's picture

Written by Angela Sangster, Copyright 2010


Zecharia Sitchin


The works of Zecharia Sitchin present a theory of a twelfth planet in our solar system that was instrumental in creating the Earth. The race of extraterrestrials that he believed to be the ultimate originator of the human race he referred to as the Annunaki. Zecharia Sitchin's work is a subject of great debate, either with those who call it pseudoscience or those who have determined his translations of ancient texts are incorrect. It is however interesting to note that other civilizations besides the ancient Sumerians had similar creation stories recorded through petroglyphs and wall drawings. One of these civilizations originated in the land now known as the United States and eventually became the Hopi nation. The ones that the Hopi descended from were known as the Anasazi.

Author and researcher Gary David lived among the Hopi in South Dakota as an English teacher. ( Also see The Kachina and the Extraterrestrial Connection ) In meeting and talking with these people, he found the philosophy of "as above, so below". In essence, this means that the constellations in the sky reflect the geography of the Earth. This is something that has been theorized about the three Giza Pyramids in their relation to the stars in the Orion belt. While that theory in and of itself has come under scientific scrutiny (mainly in the studies that show the pyramids were added on to for those points to match up), it is interesting to note that David noticed a similar correlation between the Hopi Mesas in the Southwest and the same constellation.

For more info on this story click: Hopi 










The writings of Sitchin are

notmindcontrol's picture

The writings of Sitchin are not exact.  They are a theory.  Some of his research is viable and a lot is not .  So please take note of this.