Time is perhaps the most relative of all the relative in the world. Time trips you up. It confuses you. You are betwixt and between when it comes to time. Ah, Infinity is another story. You are always sitting still in Infinity, or We can say you are humming and dancing, as it were, to your own beat. In the arena of time, you shuffle along. In Infinity, you soar. What more is there to say?
Clocks are one thing. Sunrise and sunset are another.
There are horizons where sky and Earth meet, yet time is always coming and going. Time comes around the corner, and runs away at the same time. Time is an errant lover. Time is like ego seen from another angle. It pushes and pulls you, as if it were shooting bullets at your feet and making you dance. You try to catch up to time while you also try to escape it. Time leads you on, never fulfilling what it purports to fulfill.
I lift a curtain. Come under it, and Infinity captures your heart. You see where you have been sleeping. You see the imprint of your head on your pillow. No hurry in Infinity. There is nothing you have to do but be. Nothing you have to become, for, anyways, you are. Nowhere you have to go because all is here, not tucked away, but in plain view, a view that extends beyond sight and happenstance. Beyond the blue yonder and beyond beyond, flowers grow, and you rise in the light. No, not quite. You are risen in the light. You see, yet what is there to see and who is there to exclaim over it and whose voice can speak and what is there to say?
No voice comes out from Infinity, yet all hear it. It is the Voice of Silence. It holds you in its grip where there is no holding on at all. Infinity cannot be held on to, yet you are ever within it. You are never without it. Bidden or unbidden, you harbor in Infinity. You are moored in Infinity at the same time as you are free to roam while Infinity is ever out of the dripping waters of time. Nothing collapses in Infinity. There is no pitter pat. There is Is-ness. Where are you when there is no space and no desire to go there?
In Infinity, there is no tripping over time, nor can time that does not exist trip you up. There is nothing to get in your way even as there is no way. There is no how or when or where and what else is there that is not in Infinity which is the cradle of all existence?
Infinity is not a cocoon, and yet Infinity is your milieu even as there is no appearance in Infinity. You are never Infinity-less. You are never more or less. You are all there is and the power of nothingness right in your hand even as there is no physical form.
Not even I, God, can describe the Indescribable, yet Infinity is the Only Real. Everything else is not. You abide in Infinity. You are full of Infinity and imbibe that which cannot be eaten nor timed nor measured. Infinity is immeasurable and unfathomable even as you are part of Infinity and registered there where time is not and Timelessness is and where everything is not yet and yet where you exist in harmony with your One Self as if you were a train ready to pull out of the station, and, yet, there are no tracks and you have nowhere to go anyways, and there is no time to do it in anyways.