The Arcturians- The Genetic Activation of the Hueman Race and the Successful Mission Completion of ALL First Wave Volunteers.

AdiGaia's picture

January 1,2016.

It is with Peace,Love and Boundless Joy that we join YOU in this incredible moment of this NOW of this “New Year”.

The Magnitude of what has been accomplished by ALL on Earth cannot be expressed in words.

The Incoming Source Evolutionary Energies are supporting and assisting in fully anchoring the Christ Consciousness across all grids.

The forerunners,(galactic volunteer souls AND hueman souls),have cleared from Within all necessary grids and have fully stepped into their Christ Avatar Self.

Humanity is beginning to remember that there infinite ways of experiencing this Creation, descension is NOT the only way.
They are remembering WHO THEY ARE.
The Master Angelic Blueprint Race.
High Heart Chakra activations are NOW accessible to ALL who wish it upon Earth.

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Volunteers are from across ALL realms and dimensions.
ALL RACES in this reality are represented.

They are souls that chose to incarnate to assist in ascension and descension of planets, galaxies, universes…this is how they walk in service to The Law of One.

They anchor in the EVOLUTIONARY SOURCE ENERGIES, acting as transformers so that the energies can be assimilated into the grids and NOT affect the holographic matrices, causing major geoeffective catastrophic changes.

So ascension can occur without catastrophic results.

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These are called starseeds yet that itself is an illusion of separation, for ALL are “starseeds”, ALL are “seeded” from the stars.
ALL are Individual Divine Fractals of Source Light as Frequency experiencing separation infinitely.

All Huemans are starseeds.

Assistance and support is only rendered when asked, as it cannot be imposed upon another Being as this is a FREE WILL UNIVERSE of spiritual evolution.

When The Soul of Earth,Gaia, asked for support and assistance, ALL Heard in their Hearts.

First Wavers are souls that chose to walk in service to The Law of One and begin the shifting of the frequency of the Planet by being the first to restore their inner grids, restoring their DNA to THE ORIGINAL HUMAN DIVINE BLUEPRINT.

They are BOTH Human Souls and Galactic Volunteer Souls.
They chose to be the first ones to shift physically.
Volunteers are all first wavers but not all first wavers are volunteers as human souls also are first wavers.

IN THIS NOW ,ALL First Wavers have accomplished their soul mission of anchoring The Christ Consciousness across all inner grids, therefore affecting all outer grids.

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They are the GUARDIANS of this CREATION, with all DNA tools available within to carry out said task.

They are supported by ALL Service to Others Races on this Earth from All dimensions.

Within human DNA, there is the Divine Blueprint of ALL the Races in this galaxy.
This is what is called “junk” DNA.

Humanity is able to restore ALL genetic damage done in descension of ALL Galactic Races.

GOLDEN RACES(Christ consciousness frequency), are in all universes as they have the potential to vibrate at the highest frequency and restore DNA damage.
They are the “solution” to 3d consciousness genetic manipulation not for the highest good of all.

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Huemans carry the ability to shift the consciousness and assist in ascension of all galactic races.

This makes humanity the most sought after race by those which cannot ascend on their own out of this dimension, cannot repair their own DNA damage, for they cannot rise to a higher dimensional frequency and access the solutions needed to restore their race back to their original blueprint genetically.
Service to Self realities are not able to continue eternally, eventually they are unable to continue and must shift or become extinct.

As a lower consciousness they do not wish for other races to awaken out of duality, no longer within their control.
Their greatest fear is for humanity to awaken to the truth of who they are.

This is why Earth is “fought over” for control, for the human race is a
Created from the Highest frequency of consciousness, Unconditional Source Love.
Humans can manifest without the need for machines, through emotions, which makes us the most powerful, in their “view”.

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All races contributed to the genetic makeup of “Hueman” DNA for this purpose of duality.

Due to this, Huemans in physicality have the ability to express all the Divine Gifts and Abilities of ALL the races and vibrate at the soul signature of the highest frequency.
They can be multidimensional while still incarnated and fully access all dimensions.

It is on this “Living Library”,Earth, upon which walk ALL RACES that choose to experience physicality can beginning at 1d and ascend in a continuous path of expansion.

Humanity holds Within their DNA the Divine Blueprint of ALL, so that races experiencing service to self could alter their DNA as they descended further into physicality, yet have the ability to access their divine blueprint upon ascension.

They are the “key holders” to ascension for ALL the races in 3d physicality.

As the Hueman Race ascends out of 3d, they clear from Within ALL genetic manipulation across ALL grids.
As they clear inner grids, outer grids across all dimensions are cleared.
This begins the DNA restoration of ALL galactic races involved in this reality.

EVERY animal, plant, all the elements and elementals, represent a galactic race genetically involved on this earth.
THIS is also in the DNA of every human being.

We are the Living Library, holding the frequency of all souls upon this incarnation.

Every human has the ability to activate their DNA when connected to their Heart.
Once the process begins, it cannot be stopped.
Unless the physical body cannot make the shift, this is chosen at soul level.

That is HOW many races are experiencing this magnificent Earth.

This is why this planet is called a “Living Library”.

The records every race to ever experience earth in any of its dimensions is kept available for ALL in the Akashic Records of the Planet, and within the human DNA.
This information assists infinite other universes in their ascension out of duality.

“Starseeds” incarnate to assist their planet out of duality while maintaining holographic integrity.

The Hueman race is now able to step into the higher dimensions and continue their ascension and restoration of DNA with no outside interference, as their frequency as a collective has increased and can no longer be altered.

Spiritual and physical evolution continues as per FREE WILL for ALL beings on this planet.

The Golden Era of the Hueman Race has begun.
A new Creation never experienced before.

We are the Arcturians.
We ARE you,for within YOU, YOU carry our divine blueprint DNA.
Just as you carry the divine blueprint of all the Angelic Races.
Our Love for you is infinite as we have been with you, holding the knowledge of sacred geometry and of time/space movement, light/sound healing, since the beginning of “time”.
For YOU as asked to do so by You.

Reach out to us if called from Within to do so.

It is THE greatest joy we can experience when connecting to our beautiful Hueman Family.
We are in awe of all you do.
You are an amazing Miracle of the Universe.

We send you our Unconditional Love Eternally.