Are you Blind or Do you See?

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Love is to Emotion,

What Gravity is to Form.

Nature operates perfectly and with extreme Intelligence merely because it is free from Resistance. Water flows perfectly, snowflakes form uniquely, and the sun sets beautifully…simply because they are completely and utterly What They Are. There is no resistance, no decision-making, not even any ability to question…and therefore, each is Perfect.

So we are with Love. Allow emotion to flow. Allow it to be What It Is. Do not question emotion. Do not decide what to Feel and what not to Feel. Simply allow your inner intelligence to manifest itself. Simply remove the obstacles to Nature’s emerging force.

Love’s emergent nature, Intelligence’s emergent nature (what we might call “evolution”)…is but God’s Desire to be Known. It is but Consciousness becoming Conscious of Itself. It is but You Knowing Thyself.

Love is to Fear what gravity is to form. Form is completely controlled by and operating within gravity. If form were to resist gravity, there would be no form. Form is the product of gravity, its reflection, its manifestation into what you call “existence.” Form is made “real” by gravity.

So it is with Love and Fear. Fear, when given completely to Love, simply dissolves. It is revealed as nothing more than the resistance of Love, the resistance of the Truth of Reality.

Fear and Form are One. They are the same belief in the same illusion. And both will dissolve when given completely to Truth. Both will dissolve when you but remove the obstacles to Love. You need do nothing. You need but stop trying to evolve, to stop trying to change, and to stop trying to be happy. For these assume you need to evolve, that you need to change, and that you are not happy Now.

Perception and Creation are one act. And both are the product of Belief. Both are the product of what it is you believe to be “True,” of what it is you believe to be “Real.”

Is God Real? Or is Satan?

Is Love Real? Or is Evil?

Should you be Joyful? Or should you be Fearful?

Are you at Peace? Or do you Suffer?

Are you in Heaven? Or are you in Hell?

Do you Seek? Or have you Found?

Are you Blind? Or do you See?


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