
You Are The Richest Creation In The Entire Universe

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From You, To You:

"You Are The Richest Creation In The Entire Universe"

Someone stole $1,000 from you? Arrest them! Get it back! I need that money! I have to pay rent! I have to feed my kids! This is not fair! Someone must be punished! Help me!

Sound familiar? Well, imagine now that you are a billionaire. Imagine that you have 100 billion dollars in the bank. Money is no option. What is your reaction to $1,000 being taken from you? Ha! A thousand? Who cares!! Keep the penny!

This is the Perspective of God on Joy and Suffering. It is the same as yours on Money and Sin. God’s Joy is all-encompassing and eternal; it is immutable and perfect. For it is Whole. Thus does your suffering have no effect on the Peace of God. And thus is Satan angry at God. Satan is angry at God because God pays no attention to him. God is not affected by Satan and Satan cannot cause God to waiver, change or suffer.

And so Satan uses you.

He uses you – through money – to harness the power that God has denied him. He with money IS all powerful. If you don’t think so, simply open your eyes to the world. Open Your Eyes and See Satan’s Triumph. See Satan’s Grand Masterpiece. See Satan’s Heaven.

For it is here that Evil is trained and rewarded and given all power. It is here that those who take and cheat and steal have the most. They have the biggest homes, they have the biggest pools, they own the most land, they sleep with whoever they want, they make all important decisions, They Own The Fucking World.

The lesson is not in how to Give, it's in how to Receive.

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The lesson of life is not in how to give, it's in how to receive. Reality is a gift. Reality is love...but, importantly, Reality is freedom...complete freedom! So this includes your ability - at least in your perception - to create alternative realities.

In our case, this is nearly our entire history as we know it. And this is because the very concept of "history" only exists as we know it.

The way things and people are is given us. We are all completely loving and completely giving. Anything to the contrary is illusory. Why this is difficult for you to understand is because even your perception that you are a body is illusory. You are the life-force of your body, the life-force of consciousness, the life-force of life itself. You are mind. To understand these truths is very difficult for us.

This is because we are still children.

We are just now waking up to an entirely new dimension of consciousness, and one that feels like the end to a centuries long journey into the wilderness. But as we peek out into our escape, into our freedom, we see this is but the very first step into Reality. It is when we learn anew of the amazing, wondrous, spectacular beauty of the gift that has been given us all equally.

Here this is impossible to understand because here everything is either worked for or fought for...or stolen. But that this is the case IS OUR CREATION, it is our illusion, made in place of the gift from God of Reality.

In our perception, to believe reality to be this way takes faith. What we fail to realize is that to believe reality to be any way takes faith. If you see a world - a reality - of war, of starvation and of ego, it takes great faith to believe such things even exist.

The question you are asking is, of course, "What can I do about it???"

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"The question you are asking is, of course, "What can I do about it???"

I See only Children. CEOS are bullies. Sports stars are, well, the same, lol. The “in-crowd” is celebrities. The class president is the President, lol. Billy pushed you in the sandbox today? AIG sold you an unfair deal today? Suzie told you that you were ugly today? Your wife cheated on you today? Don’t you see, these are all the same. The conceptual complexity has changed, nothing more. We are more intelligent, more evolved, thus our illusions appear more “real.” This is especially the case considering our collective nature. We do not know our own power, thus we do not know each other’s power. We do not know each other’s power, thus we do not know our own power. These are the same!

That “systems” of government, money, education, business, politics, etc. exist only demonstrates our Power to create them. These are all illusions, all our creations. These are all ideas, manifested into form. We believe scarcity to exist, thus we create it. We believe evil to exist, thus we create it.

This has all been said. The question, I suppose, is what can we all do about it? The question you are asking, is, of course...


If this site has any “purpose,” it is only this: to demonstrate YOUR true power. I’m not telling you or showing you that you CAN create things such as this; I am telling you and showing you that you ARE creating these things, right now, in this very moment.

Do countries Exist?

Does money Exist?

Does racism Exist?

Does Evil Exist?

Is there abundance Now?

Is there Love Now?

FromYouToYou: "The One and Only Choice"

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"The One and Only Choice"

Denial leads to creation[1], creation leads to failure, failure leads to suffering, suffering leads to humility, humility leads to open mindedness, open mindedness leads to receipt, receipt leads to acceptance, and acceptance leads to happiness.

Thus do you choose between the acceptance or denial of the Love of God and the Truth of Reality. Its acceptance leads to Joy and its denial leads to Fear and therefore your attempt to create what you believe to be lacking. When Love is Yours and God is Here, what need be done? When Love is Yours and God is Here, what need be created? And when Love is Yours and God is Here, what need be changed?

Thus is the Reality of Heaven and of your Natural Inheritance. The only choice, and there is but one, is whether or not to accept what is rightfully yours: The Kingdom of Heaven and Eternal Life.

However, to accept this gift and to give this gift is one act. For if you deny this gift to your brother, then you must, by definition, believe yourself undeserving of it. And this is indeed true, for if you deny your brother what is rightfully his, then you are not deserving of it.

This is not due to some flaw or sin, but simply due to the misperception of what you are. If you believe Heaven can be yours but not your brothers or your brothers but not yours, then you do not understand Heaven, your brother or yourself. And thus it is not that you have become undeserving, but that you believe yourself to be.

It is only in this one belief that your receipt or denial of Heaven and Eternal Life rests, and that is the belief of What You Are. If you are worthy, then it is because you have given your brother and all of creation what is rightfully theirs. If you are not worthy, it is because you have denied them their natural inheritance.

A Savior cannot teach Equality, by definition.

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“A Savior cannot teach Equality, by definition.”

This is the insight of the day!! (Dec. 5, 2012) This came due to my innumerable visions of my being the Christ and of offering salvation to all of Planet Earth. I can’t stop these thoughts and visions, but I can observe them. And as the Observer, I can question why I have these. As I can Question, so too can I be Answered, and the Answer to why I have these thoughts was Clearly Given:

“They are a supremely beautiful, miraculously wonderful distraction.”

These are my last and final dream, my one and only idol, that I be the Savior of Satan, and thus that Satan need saving. A Savior cannot teach Equality, by definition, simply because to be a Savior acknowledges that there are those who need saving. Nothing and no one requires salvation and thus it can only be an idol, i.e. Anti-Christ, who offers it.

This is my last, final and only temptation: to be the Anti-Christ instead of the Christ, to offer salvation instead of Accept it. But if I can Accept it, so too will I have Accepted it for all of Planet Earth. And only when all of Planet Earth has Accepted it, will I have Accepted it.

This is the End.

And this is the Beginning.

Of what, is up to You.

Of what, is up to Us.


With Profound Love,



Are you Blind or Do you See?

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Love is to Emotion,

What Gravity is to Form.

Nature operates perfectly and with extreme Intelligence merely because it is free from Resistance. Water flows perfectly, snowflakes form uniquely, and the sun sets beautifully…simply because they are completely and utterly What They Are. There is no resistance, no decision-making, not even any ability to question…and therefore, each is Perfect.

So we are with Love. Allow emotion to flow. Allow it to be What It Is. Do not question emotion. Do not decide what to Feel and what not to Feel. Simply allow your inner intelligence to manifest itself. Simply remove the obstacles to Nature’s emerging force.

Love’s emergent nature, Intelligence’s emergent nature (what we might call “evolution”)…is but God’s Desire to be Known. It is but Consciousness becoming Conscious of Itself. It is but You Knowing Thyself.

Love is to Fear what gravity is to form. Form is completely controlled by and operating within gravity. If form were to resist gravity, there would be no form. Form is the product of gravity, its reflection, its manifestation into what you call “existence.” Form is made “real” by gravity.

So it is with Love and Fear. Fear, when given completely to Love, simply dissolves. It is revealed as nothing more than the resistance of Love, the resistance of the Truth of Reality.

Fear and Form are One. They are the same belief in the same illusion. And both will dissolve when given completely to Truth. Both will dissolve when you but remove the obstacles to Love. You need do nothing. You need but stop trying to evolve, to stop trying to change, and to stop trying to be happy. For these assume you need to evolve, that you need to change, and that you are not happy Now.

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