What We Must Each Do For Ourself To Prepare For Ascension
There is a knock at the front door. You open it.
Before you stands Pegasus in the light of the moon. And He is talking! He asks you for a drink of water.
What do you do? Do you:
- slam the door shut
- scream for your family to get the camera so you can make lots of money selling the footage
- invite Him inside and get a bowl of water
- touch Him gently, and welcome him, and out of concern, ask if there are any others who would like some water too?
- more information, with a link to a way to measure your own level of spiritual growth as a being of Light, here: http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2014/01/what-we-must-each-do-for-ourself-to.html
Aloha and Mahalos, Namaste, Reiki Doc <3