THE ASCENSION HANDBOOK: Maintain A Contant Connection to Source

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Channeled By Jessie Keener


Interviewed/Edited By Joel D. Anastasi 







Feeling your feelings is fundamental to the Ascension Process. By feeling your feelings you develop the ability to move in and out of different states of being. When you have developed the ability to feel your feelings, you develop the ability to quickly surrender to them. When one is completely surrendered, feelings move in an instant. They move like a cloud that passes across the sun, and the sun shines brightly again.


Feeling feelings is just the first step. The state of being we are truly aiming for is complete NEUTRALITY, complete “beingness.” Neutrality is the exquisite state of grace where all judgment, all separation has been completed. Therefore, it is a state of being present.


The state of neutrality is the state from which, from a human perspective, the karmic load is completely relieved. In order for a human to be multi-dimensional, to be complete in their relationship with separation, they must master both sides of the equation—the positive and negative qualities, the good feelings, the bad feelings.


They must master the expression of those feelings to complete themselves so that the reality is simply “being,” as opposed to creating waves of disruptive energies such as fear and anger. In order to move into multi-dimensionality, the human must love more than their physical form and their physical expression, more than their emotional body and embrace a state of being that is beyond joy, beyond self-love, beyond happiness, beyond gratitude, beyond even the most beneficial positive emotion.


The human moves beyond all of these into NEUTRALITY, which is the still point. At this point, the human experiences themselves in their full connection with source and experiences the full recognition of the agreement, execution, and the fulfillment of their divine soul plan. The state of neutrality can be achieved in both the dream state and in the awakened state through INTENTION. The benefit, of course, is that it enables one to move into one source co-creation space.


The work regarding emotional process is mandatory. How will you know when you have done sufficient work in this arena? You will not resist entering into any feelings whatsoever. You will be so moved by joy that you will burst into tears. You will be so willing to feel your anger you exhaust yourself and feel complete. You will do your process at 100% of your intention, and you will have 100% of the feeling. When you traffic in full self-expression, you will have zero resistance to any feelings.


So, for instance, if we said, have the feeling of rage. You have sixty seconds to have that feeling. To what capacity could you go like an automobile from zero to sixty, to what capacity would you be able to engage fully with rage? Or if the instructions were, experience 100% of your terror around death, destruction, violence or of being attacked. Whatever terror you can conjure up, let’s have a full minute of glorious self-expression of terror.


Do you see what we are saying? This is not being done. There are no places in the lives of human beings where they can simply say, hmm, today I shall experience all of my terror. I will carve out six minutes of my time, and I will lie down on the floor or on my bed. I will conjure up all the terror I can, so I will experience terror in a way that shows me I can experience it and not vanish, not be banished from the kingdom, so to speak. I can simply be and realize there is nothing to fear about terror. It is simply a ridiculously intense amount of energy in the body. 


Staying connected with your source is literally about managing your energy. The energy of the body is managed through consciousness. Managing one’s energy is the highest gift that one can give to source. In our previous discourse, we discussed that it is about picking up the tools with 100% self-expression—developing the skills to manage one’s energy, not out of fear but out of great love, great respect and great humility because God is being you. You are being God.


Energy management is the “how” to stay connected. It is critical for the student to understand that when you are having your feelings, the feelings are still contained in love. We suggest you observe your feelings and simply say after you observe the feelings, “and that is contained in love.” It is much like children practicing the scales on their musical instruments.


There is great resistance on your planet to doing the work of the so-called negative emotions—anger, fear and terror. Even in much evolved circles of spiritual community there is very little emotional discharge work being done. Is that because all of those members are living in bliss? No, it is because people don’t want to include their dark side, their negative emotions, as part of their connection. Indeed, every emotion is the gateway to the heart, not just the loving ones.


It is time for humanity to start including their emotional process much like they include diet and exercise as fundamentals for living. How many times a day do you experience anger, frustration, disappointment, betrayal, victimization, dismissal, etc? How much time do you spend processing those emotions? Almost none.


So we recommend a dedication to process that is uncomfortable, yet critical. Even for the followers of beloved Archangel Michael, they wait for a crisis and then begrudgingly do emotional process work as opposed to scheduling it like a meal or a haircut. Because we participated in the same behavior when we walked on your planet, we understand the lure of the mind to steer away from the importance of inner process and into the head where all these constructs exist to keep each and everyone trapped and confused.


Imagine if each Ascension student scheduled six minutes a day to discharge emotionally. You can start to see how powerful that might be in an individual’s life because when one is fully discharged, when one is fully processed, there is no projection.

When we investigate carefully what tends to put human beings in great chaos and conflict, usually the most common denominator is projection.


So when you are complete with yourself, when you have discharged your distress and have entered that state of ease and grace after a wonderful emotional discharge, then you are free to pursue your divine soul path, your divine purpose, which is distinct from what society says. The freedom that you experience when you release the emotional body will move you into that state of connectivity, that state of belonging to your source. That freedom, no matter how short-lived, holds the seed for all potential freedom. And then that seed creates a longing that, if carefully cultivated, will develop into a forest fire of passion and commitment to fulfill your divine soul plan.


Nothing we will ever discuss or recommend will require a great amount of time. We are simply giving you the basics, which, if applied, will yield tremendous results.


There might be a day when you say, “I have my six minutes scheduled; however, I have no anger left. I have no terror left.” Then discharge some of humanity’s anger or terror. Be a vehicle for humanity’s distress and discharge that. Be a vehicle for the outcries of the wildlife being obliterated on your planet. Feel humanity’s suffering, the ones who aren’t in this conversation, those who have no ability to read, no food, no water. Discharge your distress for them.


Until there are enough people having these conversations that suffering will continue and intensify. So doing the work is about, literally, doing the work. This channel, at times, becomes frustrated with humanity. Perhaps you, beloved Joel, have had the same feeling. So much unconsciousness, so much energy wasted, so many refusals to see the light, to be the light, to rejoice, to cooperate.


Joel: Yes, I get upset with the politics of our time where there so much conflict between the ideas of separation and unity. 


Two Marys: Indeed. And that stress that you speak of is your opportunity to engage fully with that beast to really experience 100% of that feeling. Go to the feelings that were squashed when you were a child. Those feelings must be engaged. Simply becoming stressed is not sufficient for the Ascension Process. Use your stress as an opportunity to move deeply inside that feeling. That starts to move you forward in consciousness.


Joel: Can we suggest an exercise for that?


Two Marys: Indeed. A visual exercise would be best.  Find a picture of human suffering on the internet or a current event. Look at it. Breathe. Stay with it. Feel the feelings as you say out loud, “I created this. I created this. I created this.” Allow the feeling to move through 100% of your being. Allow the feelings, allow the tears, allow the anguish, allow the suffering, allow the intensity of the feeling to consume you. Breathe with the feeling. Allow it and as you engage with that feeling, acknowledge the power of claiming, “As God, I created this.”

Within minutes of experiencing yourself in your glorious anguish, you will start to experience something more, something greater, the limitless love that the anger was contained in—the anguish, the suffering, the desperation, the brokenness. You will literally start to sense the presence. Stay with it. The entire process may not take more than about ten minutes. Continue breathing. Then thank yourself for being God who created all this. 


When humans begin to consider that they are responsible for separation, they are responsible for all the suffering on the planet—not responsible like guilt or shame, but responsible as in causing those things through creation, through power—they, as humans, begin to take on their responsibility.  They then can see the power is also there to create more joy, gratitude, love, cooperation, community, and belonging,


It is time for humanity to get responsible.  And the highest form of being responsible is being connected to the ONE SOURCE.  In a very real way, energy would be better spent in a ten minute process  we have just outlined, rather than spending ten minutes watching or reading the news and clucking one’s tongue saying, “Tisk, tisk, this is a giant mess. When will they get it?”


Students, there will be many things happening over the next several months and years. Do not deny your feelings. Amplify them through the breath. Your feelings are the portal. Underneath all anger, fear, terror, hatred and disregard is divine love. Our invitation is to jump in. Do not stick your foot in and pull it back and say, it’s too scary or stressful.


Indeed, the alternative to using your feelings and working with your breath will be agony. As we have said, the time is up for those seeking fulfillment to hold back. Students who decide not to utilize their breath and not to see and follow their feelings as a gateway to their heart will experience much suffering.


We are not here to stop suffering. We are here to allow those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear to understand that their longing to be at one with their source is the most important thing. We are here to expedite and assist that process. We are here to provide you with a timeless, infinite process so that no matter what you are experiencing or feeling, you can open this book to any page, read just a paragraph, close the book, feel your feelings, use your breath and experience yourself transmuting into a higher order of integration, into ecstasy and into your heart space.


We understand that while all are chosen, only a small fraction will continue to choose. That is perfectly acceptable. As we said, we love to remind humanity of the hundredth monkey. It is absolutely true that when a certain amount—and it is a small fraction—of the population “gets it,” a phenomenon occurs and everyone gets it.


Students, there will be many things happening over the next several months and years. Do not deny your feelings. Amplify them through the breath. Your feelings are the portal. Underneath all anger, fear, terror, hatred and disregard is divine love. Our invitation is to jump in. Do not stick your foot in and pull it back and say, it’s too scary or stressful.


Indeed, the alternative to using your feelings and working with your breath will be agony. As we have said, the time is up for those seeking fulfillment to hold back. Students who decide not to utilize their breath and not to see and follow their feelings as a gateway to their heart will experience much suffering.


We are not here to stop suffering. We are here to allow those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear to understand that their longing to be at one with their source is the most important thing. We are here to expedite and assist that process. We are here to provide you with a timeless, infinite process so that no matter what you are experiencing or feeling, you can open this book to any page, read just a paragraph, close the book, feel your feelings, use your breath and experience yourself transmuting into a higher order of integration, into ecstasy and into your heart space.


We understand that while all are chosen, only a small fraction will continue to choose. That is perfectly acceptable. As we said, we love to remind humanity of the hundredth monkey. It is absolutely true that when a certain amount—and it is a small fraction—of the population “gets it,” a phenomenon occurs and everyone gets it.



Turn the television off unless there is a program that is uplifting and congruent to your spiritual goals—perhaps a deeply empowering show on nature or an empowering story of a great leader who overcame huge obstacles on behalf of their mission. Those are great ways to resonate. Much of what is occurring in the media, on television, in newspapers and magazines is so bent through the lines of force that it literally disrupts your energy field. It pulls you back into the mind. It shifts you from the pineal gland crown chakra activation into a hypothalamus-ruled being. The hypothalamus does not know true connectivity. The pineal gland does. So these activities that disrupt the pineal must cease. Therefore, turn your televisions off and select your news sources carefully.


Does this mean you are to have no idea what is happening on your planet? No, it means select your news from sources that are spiritually in tune because they deliver the information without anger, outrage and making things wrong. Remember, everyone is participating in a collective agreement. Everyone chose this. Everyone has an opportunity to say, I know the chaos is happening because it must happen. I do not have to thrust myself into the chaos. I can be spiritually enlightened with the chaos and find my resonance.


Receive information about what is happening on your globe from more neutral sources.  Make sure that you are not engaging in duality and fostering more duality as you consult the media.



