by Kathy Biehl
February 3, 2015
14 Leo 47 / 14 Aquarius 47
3:08 PM PST / 6:08 PM EST / 11:08 GMT
In the depth of winter, the Leo Full Moon directs attention to our inner fires. It’s always prone to drama, flair, and aggrandized emotions, but this year’s model is more exciting and larger-than-life than usual. This one comes with the cosmic equivalent of tossing accelerant and couple of sticks of dynamite into the flames.
The mix is motivating, energizing and, ultimately, life-affirming. Even if the week’s events are not exceptional (which is unlikely), your inner experience will be. Energies are coming to the surfacing that have been sparking for some time, and they are signs of developments to come next month. Consider what happens this week as starting to come back to life in the midst of the winter doldrums and Piscean fog.
Watch for themes in the hubbub: How brightly and how far does your light shine? Are you holding it back, or do you fan and revel in it? Who notices? Who finds warmth in it? Who appreciates, validates and/or fuels it?