by Kathy Biehl
June 2, 2015
11 Gemini 49 / 11 Sagittarius 49
9:18 AM PDT / 12:18 PM EDT / 4:18 PM GMT
What do you believe to be true about yourself, your possibilities and the world at large? The Sagittarius Full Moon is igniting impassioned action, reaction, and rebellion that further some of those beliefs — and break free of others.
It’s an intellectual Moon, in theory. In practice, this one is volatile and emotional to an extreme. It’s bringing us back to life from the pummeling we’ve been through from March until last week. A lot has pent up within us, and emotional realizations and eruptions, positive and otherwise, are turning that complex, pent-up blend into rocket fuel under this Sagittarius Full Moon. The fuel ignites a burst this week and continues inspiring us, motivating us and egging us on for the next three weeks.