By Kathy Biehl
May 3-4, 2015
8:42 PM PDT / 11:42 PM EDT / 3:42 AM GMT
13 Taurus 22 / 13 Scorpio 22
May’s Scorpio Full Moon continues the clean-up work we’ve been facing after the rockiness of March and April. The intensity and irrationality of the emotional purging may feel like an eclipse, but don’t be fooled. Eclipse season is over until the fall. This Scorpio Full Moon is simply shining light even more deeply than it has gone so far this year.
This Scorpio Full Moon’s polarity always stirs issues of give and take (usually out of whack, and never in your direction, it seems), trust and betrayal, investments and return, cold hard cash, and all kinds of other issues we don’t normally trot out into polite society. They can’t stay in hiding now. Too much is dragging them out for airing.