by Kathy Biehl
Here is the Astrology Forecast for April 2015 – April delivers a triple punch that signals a new season is here at last. The hits come in a cluster, rather than a distinct one-two-three, and we’ll be tingling with them all month long: Drastic clean-up work on the rockiness of last month and the preceding three years. Stuck and dormant situations roaring back to life. Others bursting into new growth that goes from sprout to blossoming plant like sped-up time-lapse photography.
The clean-up work comes with escalating emotions, “Eureka!” moments, heart-changing disclosures, slamming doors and relationship shifts with no going back. All are byproducts of the Libra Full Moon on the 4th. It’s a lunar eclipse, which always brings revelations and endings. These tie directly to the relentless and radical reshaping of our foundations that cosmic change agents Uranus and Pluto have been forcing since June 2012. Relationships and agreements that have been teetering have little chance of remaining standing now. The collapses, door slamming and chapter closings come with messages and realizations that bring finality, and an infusion of self-confidence that helps us ultimately see the personal benefit.