Avatar EarthStar Planetary/Universal Ascended SpaceLife Waves

AdiGaia's picture

Sun entering Virgo conjuncting Jupiter


Several Avatar EarthStar Planetary/Universal Ascended SpaceLife Waves are now entering the planetary/universal ascended spacelife system to further the Avatar Planetary Destiny and prevent the further deterioration of the planetary lifesystem.


These Avatar EarthStar Planetary/Universal Ascended SpaceLife Waves are the first of many to enter the planetary/universal ascended spacelife system as the planet continues to ascend to become the Avatar Planet for the entire universe.


During this month of Virgo, the Intergalactic Superwave is permeating the entire planetary system, and is also bringing in much needed completion to the planet’s intergalactic dimensions of universal life to further the planet’s evolution.


This allows for the Avatar EarthStar Planetary/Intergalactic/Universal SpaceLife Waves to also enter the planet’s ascended spacelife system.


These waves are the preliminary waves of much more highly ascended spacelife waves which are to follow.


The Avatar EarthStar Planetary/Universal Ascended SpaceLife Waves are also providing much ascension to the entire EarthStarNation and its members who are becoming EarthStarNation Ascended Masters of Creation and Civilization.