What if the Universe is slanted in your favor? This is the premise to start from. Otherwise, you carry a heavy weight -- the idea that the Universe has to prove itself to you. Start off as a friend to the Universe. Truly, the Universe is not out to get you.
The Universe and I are pulling you along in the Bright Light of the Sun and to the Bright Light of the Sun and all that goes with Bright Light. Have you thought otherwise? Have you perhaps thought you were lost in a forest somewhere or in a barren desert? Would you really be so foolish as to think that?
Today you start thinking anew. This means that you start out on the right foot. This is like pledging your troth to the Universe and Me, or, at the least, voting for Us.
Where have you been placing your bets? Think about this a moment. Have you bet on disaster, ill-feelings, despair and so forth?
Come, walk into the Avenue of the Present with Me. I am by your side, and have never been away from it. Whither thou goest, I go. It’s that simple. This is all you need to remember. This has to be remembered so you know where you are and where you feet are guided to take you. You are not a lonely traveler on Earth. You are right smack in the center of My heart. You never leave.
Your mind can abandon Truth, yet the soul of you does not, cannot, will not. You are moored in My heart, and I carry you in My arms in the Center of My heart.
What could love mean but that I carry you? I do not wander from you. In what you call your best moments, I am with you. In what you call your worst moments, I am with you. I am inevitably with you. You are My partner for life, and life means Eternity, for you are an Eternal Being just as I am.
The difference between Us, beloveds, is that I know where I am and with whom I am while you are still trying to figure it out. You make it problematic when there is no problem at all except your limited acceptance.
We are travelers in light and in life. This is a Our story. Our story is a Tale of Love, in darkness and in light, We follow love wherever it takes Us. Love can only take Us to the Center of Our One heart. There is nowhere else We can go, nor can We depart from Our path. Oh, it certainly seems so to you. There are many things that seem so to you that are mistaken. This is only one of them.
We are strong companions, and We walk through life together. There is no death. If We are Eternal Beings, We are Eternal. And there are no two ways about it. We are Eternal Beings in or out of a body. Higher experiences are out of the body if We consider the body that which holds you down. Except for the gravity of your physical bodies and minds, you would fly and know you do.
Out of your body, it doesn’t matter to you whether you fly or not. You are not caught up in such matters as bodies. Your thoughts are as fresh as daisies, and so you enjoy every Moment of Eternity. You are not caught in Eternity. You are in Eternity. Out of your body, you know nothing else but Eternity. You are, so to speak, the nuts and bolts of life in all its exquisite beauty. Out of the body, you appreciate everything. You see the grandeur of life, and that’s all you have to know.
On Earth, your Greatness is waiting for you to find it.