Be still and know I AM God

David Porter's picture


A friend e-mailed me this morning asking me what I think about the huge member Muslim meeting that just took place.


I'm not for or against any of mans systems of belief. But due to the massive pain, death and destruction the fundamentalist of the religions and institutions has caused over all recorded time, including the hanging of one Special Man about 2,000 years ago in their, then dark-age systems of belief. I highly recommend to go by what most of these faiths teach, without practice of, "go by that that prompts you from within you." This is where ALL comes from. Does in not make good sense for the child to go to Dad or Mom for her needs? And where does his Father and Mother live? Inside her “House." This is the child's Source, right? So what do we teach our children about where The Source is that brings them all their needs?


If it’s the teachings of mans beliefs it's no wonder that we spend so much time praying for them. If we teach them that they are carrier of Source at ALL times, then we would never, ever find ourselves begging in pray for these dear ones, would you? This is what our children and every adult that was deprived of this truth needs to be taught now. Without this truth taught and absorbed to all, by all we will continue to slaughter one another.


The Kingdom of God is NOT "over there." somewhere else, in a place that we call Heaven, that we await our demise in anticipation hoping we passed the test down here and got the formula correct as to rise in an upward spiral on term, rather than the infamous long term burn in "Lucifer's lack-of-Light lounge" in that downward, heated tunnel that goes down, down, down in that burning ring of fire. Until humans stop placing "other gods" before them as diffident than another's god, costing them their freedom to be, have and do, there will not be peace on Earth. Until there is no, "my god says this is the way it is, I’m right, your wrong, there will not be peace on Earth. All religions must come to one resolution on this ever present and pressing issue.


There is, was and always will be ONE GOD, therefore how many religions does it take to teach this truth? She is not to be found in literature or in a building. He is closer to you than your own skin NOW and forever. To find Her all you need do is think like Him, speak like Her, act like Him, feel like She does, cop His attitude. If God was incarnate on Earth just now, what thoughts would She hold in mind? What words would project from His lips? How would She act? How would He choose to feel, all the times? What attitude would God display? Be That.

Yes, I'm saying to go around acting like God. Act like health, wealth, prosperity, happiness, joy, success and peace, beauty, love and harmony. Make this habit. Affirm it. Degree it, live it, become it. "I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, Almighty unlimited God I AM.  For those who chose to continue to live in fear of their own Creator thinking that they may offend God by this claim, know this, as written in your scriptures. God is All, All is One.


Stop letting your ego mind continue to convince you that you are victim, and convince it to take a hike while you go within so you no longer continue to go without. There is, was and always will be ONE GOD, therefore how many religions does it take to teach this truth? She is not to be found in literature or a building. He is closer to you than your own skin NOW and forever. To find Her all you need do is think like Him, speak like Her, act like Him, feel like She does, cop His attitude. If God was incarnate on Earth just now, what thoughts would God hold in mind? What words would eject from God's lips? How would God act? How would God chose to feel, all the time? What attitude would God display? Have that one.


Yes, I'm saying to go around acting like God. Act like health, wealth, prosperity, happiness, joy, success and peace, beauty, love and harmony. Make this habit, Affirm it, Degree it, "I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, Almighty unlimited God I AM.  For those who chose to continue to live in fear of their own Creator thinking that they may offend God by this claim, know this, as written in your scriptures. God is All, All is One. Stop letting your ego mind continue to convince you that you are victim, and convince it to take a hike while you go about the Lords work.


The day draws nigh unto you that there will be but one religion on Earth, pray that day comes soon. 
