The following is a “Spiritual concept” if you believe in Earthly things under direct influence of the Spirit World then you may benefit from this article in this timeline.
September was a 6-cycle, a month of healing and graduation mostly of your DNA, a “catch-up time” if you will. 6 is the number in relation to service.
October was a 7-cycle. October, the 10th month, 10 or 1+0=1, 1+(2+0+1+3)=7.
(7) MEANING: Material reform through Spiritual law, Independence, Inspiration, Introspect, Intuitive, Mystical knowledge, nonconformity, openness, silence, solitude and trust.
November. 2013+11=8
(8) MEANING: Power, order, Abundance, authority, re-evaluation, and administrative.
You may associate these energetic formulas with and add your concepts here to delineate your own conclusions in relation to what is shaping on surface Earth just now, and it’s potential for our November. With this combination of potentials coalescing with what is manifesting on Earth just now, this should speak load and clear to you.
December. 2013+12=9
(9) MEANING: Completion, highest order of Universal Love, benevolence brotherhood, compassion, humanitarian, Integrity, selfless service, spiritual law, unfolding, universality.
In this cycle the 9 will bring much to completion and with January of 2014 being another 8, and February another 9, this will repeat and enforce more of the same. Not to confuse with, “oh great, glade that it’s mostly over now,” not in the least, but the “dark tunnel” we have been traversing will shine brighter to those with ‘an eye’ to see.
These ‘meanings’ are not just fitted for these writings, but were derived from the book Remember Who You Are, Reemergence of a Queen, that was written in 1999.