David Porter's blog

~DAILY BREAD~11/21/13

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“All these things that I have done, so shall you do, and greater things than these shall you do.”

This said by the Highest regarded most evolved Master of our time. Just how “Great” does this make you feel? When will you begin to know that He meant exactly what He said? Are you waiting to get to Heaven before you begin your new to your awareness practice? It won’t be that special then, everybody is doing it there.


According to you a 3D storm approaches and or is with you now. How are you handling your life (emotional content) now? As this is how you will assimilate the new approaching energies of Light. And if it is beginning to dawn upon you, these “ENERGIES” are “compounding their interest” daily!

To raise this to a category 5D (more amenable storm) will be in great favor to you by you. Time as you have known it to be is depleting now more and more rapidly on a daily basis. Portals that were open for us 13,000 years ago, during our Atlantis, Lemuria and Mu visits to Earth then, have been opening on a regular astrological alignment basis now and will continue until they are all open, which will be “soon” in our language. We are finding ourselves going deeper into our own input/output of physical, mental and emotional enhancements or depressions according to our own choices of which “D” we hold our thoughts on. (Dimension).

Recall the movie “Enter the Dragon” that came out in the 70s with Bruce Lee? He slapped his student saying to him, “emotional content.”

Let me bring simplicity:

3D, Fear based self-defeating programs. Anger, hate, resent, revenge, judgment, drama, discord, disharmony, this list is very long one and goes on.

5D, LOVE. This list is a very short one but has diverse "categories of a much Higher nature.


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The Harvest some know as “The Rapture,” this is a term that some backward ones inserted for their own agendas to justify the creating of fear in you. You will not find the word “rapture” in the Bible. These ones are in same manor as those who preached Bible scripture as they beat and hung ones of a different skin color back in the 1,800s.

All the false prophets who have preached hellfire and damnation will disappear into oblivion in our near future. The only religion you will choose to acknowledge is the “religion of love” as was taught in ancient Ireland. This was condemned and silenced by the Church of Rome, (Catholicism). The same one’s that are spoken of in the Bible that for 1,000 years, beat, in-slaved, tortured, raped and murdered millions of human beings.

These ones have the title of the cabals, illuminate, or the elite now. They hid then and they hide now, and what better place to hide than behind what you are taught to be “Heavenly” doors, “THE VATICAN.”

The “Harbinger” arrives, bringer of new life force. Could this be the mission of ISON (I-Son or “The Son of God?”) or is that just a rock? ISON is not alone and not only the “ones” around Her but before and after, there have been and will be several that come, this year, 2013 and next and the next.

Harvest time has is in season (planetary alignments) now. And this will not let up for some time to come, but now is a critical-mass opportunity to clime aboard the awaiting and awakening vessel of “transport“.

Keep it simple, your “ASCENT” into the Heavenly Realms is assured no matter what you have or have not done, but it can be sooner or later according to YOU. And when I mention, “later”, for those that don’t yet believe in re-incarnation, you will get the hang that particular hidden from you fact.


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This on CNN News today.

“Billions of Earth-like planets?”

When I read this, this came to mind. Some believe that we have but ONE life on planet, that’s it. Once written, it said, “It is appointed unto man but once  to die.” Here is my understanding on this statement. Nowhere did I read it to say that it was appointed unto man but once to “live.” That is exact opposition.

I can understand that this may very well indicate the “ego” and its necessity to die so we can ascend bypassing this culprit that attempts to control our every thought, word and action. But the ego doesn’t want to die. Its sole purpose is as any segment of consciousness, that is to live. If one cannot comprehend that this verse speaks of the ego, then this tends to lead to the likeliness that it is the ego that is influencing this ones discernment.   

I ask you, how is it that you could possibly believe that the human race has been in existence for but 6,000 Earth years? And what happens to all the souls that did not get the opportunity to read “John 3:16” before they passed over, ‘lake of fire’ for them or amnesty?

Billions of planets, billions of years in existence, including Earth. Do you not suppose there is more than one “segment” or bloodline of “Gods Children” on many of them? If Gods favorite thing to do is create and enjoy the creation VIA by living through the creation, then what better ways to do so than what you here on this planet have known to express and experience.

~Let you Light shine ever bright~


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The following is a “Spiritual concept” if you believe in Earthly things under direct influence of the Spirit World then you may benefit from this article in this timeline.

September was a 6-cycle, a month of healing and graduation mostly of your DNA, a “catch-up time” if you will. 6 is the number in relation to service.

October was a 7-cycle. October, the 10th month, 10 or 1+0=1, 1+(2+0+1+3)=7.

(7) MEANING: Material reform through Spiritual law, Independence, Inspiration, Introspect, Intuitive, Mystical knowledge, nonconformity, openness, silence, solitude and trust.

November. 2013+11=8

(8) MEANING: Power, order, Abundance, authority, re-evaluation, and administrative.

You may associate these energetic formulas with and add your concepts here to delineate your own conclusions in relation to what is shaping on surface Earth just now, and it’s potential for our November. With this combination of potentials coalescing with what is manifesting on Earth just now, this should speak load and clear to you.

December. 2013+12=9

(9) MEANING: Completion, highest order of Universal Love, benevolence brotherhood, compassion, humanitarian, Integrity, selfless service, spiritual law, unfolding, universality.

In this cycle the 9 will bring much to completion and with January of 2014 being another 8, and February another 9, this will repeat and enforce more of the same. Not to confuse with, “oh great, glade that it’s mostly over now,” not in the least, but the “dark tunnel” we have been traversing will shine brighter to those with ‘an eye’ to see. 

These ‘meanings’ are not just fitted for these writings, but were derived from the book Remember Who You Are, Reemergence of a Queen, that was written in 1999.


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“The Photon Belt” and “The Three Day of Darkness”

We are just about there, that is, deep enough in it that the “three days of darkness” will soon commence.

This “EVENT” is so vast, so huge, and so powerful that it is to shift not only the consciousness of every sentient Being on surface Earth, but also every Being within Her and above Her as well! All life forms in our entire galactic universe will benefit by it and shift with it as we all merge into it.

This is coming as sure as Earth is continuing Her rotation around the Sun.

Fore-signs for this began soon after we entered the 21st century, when the outer most regions of our solar system began to touch the parameters of this Great Band of Photonic Energy. Sign #1, 1929, the cabals crashed “their” stock market. You may have been here to witness the freedom movement of the 60s, (significant fore-sign #2), deeper we moved into this Band of Light. Then 1987, the harmonic convergence, deeper still, then the technology threats around on our year 2,000, then 12/21/12, an exact once in history of Earth planetary alignment.

 Insert from Book one in future post today.

Picture in your mind a doughnut of the purest bright Light inside our Milky Way Galaxy a billion times larger than our solar system.


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“The Photon Belt” and “The Three Day of Darkness”

We are just about there. That is, deep enough in it that the “three days of darkness” will soon commence. For clarity, "soon" in "The Higher Ones" interpretation looking on it as all happens now, and infinity is a whole lot of earth years. However, we are within days, weeks and months of many very large and powerful energetic manifestations that WILL HAPPEN! 

This “EVENT” is so vast, so huge, and so powerful that it will shift not only the consciousness of every sentient Being on surface Earth, but also, every Being within Her and above Her as well! This is a UNIVERSE-WIDE EVENT. All life forms will benefit from it, and all are under contract for it.

This is coming as sure as the Earth is continuing Her rotation around the Sun.

Fore-signs for this began soon after we entered the 21st century, when the outer most regions of our solar system began to touch the parameters of this Great Band of Photonic Energy. You may have been here to witness the freedom movement of the 60s, then 1987, the harmonic convergence, then the technology threats around our year 2,000, then 12/21/12, an exact once in history of Earth planetary alignment.  

Picture if you will our solar system drawn on paper with each planet in its respective place to our Sun with a circle-line drawn from one end to the other of each planet around the Sun. Now in you mind, picture a doughnut inside our Milky Way Galaxy a billion times larger than our solar system.

The Vatican Vaults Edited Edition

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The most wealthy “organization” on planet Earth with 1.2 billion members, constructed and owned by the cabal/elite/illuminazis.


The ones of greater determination for their agendas than you all put together to date. The ones that taught you through fear invoked methods, “BELIEF SYSTEMS” abbreviated as (BS) have imprisoned you with your own money making you to be the fool in their subterfuge.


If you are one of the 1.2 billion that has financed this most deceitful of the all “businesses” on Earth, you are entitled no less than knowing what it is that your “10%” has done “for you. Do you agree?


They say how dare you question “God,” well my friends they are not That which you think to be God. And if I read it correctly, God said VIA The Bible and most other teachings to by all means question, test “HIM” and even COMMAND HIM, “Him” for those that understand God in gender terms. "Command ye me."


If you want the truth of all truths of your planet, this is the one and only place you need to look for it, in the Vatican Vaults.


You won’t need 99% of the population to STORM THE VATICAN!!! Or even 10%, not even 1%. You won’t even need 10% of their membership count. But just imagine 1% of the members that financed this institution to show up with all “tools” needed to enter the 25 miles of underground tunnels where they have hidden all the evidence of everything about you, your planet, and all their dirty deeds to both.


The “Ark of the Covenant” is only one of thousands of this nature of hidden truths from you. The day is upon you now along with the decision to unlock the lies. This is where they are stored.  

The Vatican Vaults

David Porter's picture

And what is in them. The most wealthy “organization” on planet Earth with 1.2 billion members, owned lock stock and barrel by the cabal/elite/illuminazis.

If you are one of the 1.2 billion that has financed this most deceitful of the all “businesses,” you are due no less than knowing what it is that your “10%” has done “for you,” right? Stop here just a moment and give this just a Heart-felt bit of thought. Is this not correct?

They say how dare you question “God,” well my friends they are not That which you think to be God. And if I read it correctly, God said VIA The Bible and most other teachings to by all means question and even test “HIM” and even COMMAND HIM, "Command ye Me" "Him" for those that understand God in gender terms.

To the point:

After seeking in my Sacred Heart Center and focused on the “Three Fold Flame” of The I AM That, I AM there for the last two years of my life, this is where I’ve been led. If you want the truth of all truths of your planet, this is the one and only place you need to look for it, in the Vatican Vaults.

You won’t need 99% of the population to STORM THE VATICAN!!! Or even 10%, not even 1%. You won’t even need 10% of their membership. But imagine if just 1% of the members that financed this institution showed up with all “tools” needed to enter the 25 miles of underground tunnels where they have hidden all the evidence of everything about you, your planet and all their dirty deeds to both. The “Ark of the Covenant” is only one of thousands of this nature of truth hidden from you.


David Porter's picture


The Harvest, or in some beliefs, The Rapture.

The Harbinger arrives, bringer of new life force. Could this be the mission of ISON (I-Son) or is it just a rock? ISON is not alone and not only the “ones” around Her, but before and after, there have been and will be many that come, THIS YEAR, 2013.

It is harvest time. And this will not let up for some time to come, but now is a critical-mass opportunity to clime aboard your awaiting vessel of transport.  

Keep it simple, your “ASCENT” into the Heavenly Realms is assured no matter what you have or have not done, but it can be sooner or later according to YOU.

For those who choose sooner, here is your medicine.

“I AM The Way, The Truth and The Light”

If you were not the “I” how could you “BE?”

This was not given to become incorrectly translated to place any man as the leader of your very Soul, no. This is a mantra to lift you UP though invocation by YOU.

“I AM That, I AM.” NOTE, where the comma is? Keep it there when invoking this, the most powerful of all mantras. This is the name of Creator-God-Source. See Moses teachings for reference to this in the Bible.

“Be still and know, I AM God.” A mantra. Use it unsparingly. NOTE, what comes before "and know."

“Mans greatest problem is that he cannot sit in a room alone.”

So sit.

You will soon be divided into many varied groups for harvesting/rapture/ascension-according to your auric fields, your AURA, It cannot tell a lie.


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Final call

We do not come to run your affairs or take over anything, if that were the case, please trust us when we say to you that in that case we would not be vying for your consent.

We will be in charge of nothing of your Home planet, Mother Earth. In your understanding of it, you belong to One Another, ( your auras are a match) lest it be the mutual charge of “clean-up” and group unifications and communications of you the Earth Beings uniting with all other Beings in the collective. Regardless of when, you are to become “members” of the “Community Galactica” also known as The Galactic Federation and or Confederation. Now is always better than latter.

This providing way to your “membership” into the Galactic Society of a less limited way of experiencing life, one that you can and will truly enjoy.  

You see our words, “final call,” this doesn’t mean that we will not always be here for you and available to you, as we always have been and will be. This is an urgent way of getting your attention and request to us so that we can receive our own authorization to intervene and interact with you our family.

This will include us landing on your soil, (direct contact) as this is the only way that we can complete the clean up of the mess that your cabals have left you with and Gaia in.

Now we ask you that you turn into your “Command Center” (Heart) and make your decision.


YES? Or NO  X______?


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