by Carl Studna
Until recent years, the idea of looking within for all answers, especially those in the spiritual realm, was seen as sacrilegious. The bulk of humanity was considered laymen, who would seek guidance from their spiritual and religious leaders. In certain religions, if you claimed to have a direct link to divine guidance, you were accused of being a heretic and risked extreme ridicule, isolation, torture or death.
Identifying with Your Inner Mystic
We, as humanity, are gradually moving away from the paradigm that we must look outside ourselves for the answers, and we’re learning to trust our own inner-guidance. Self-help books began a gradual growth in the sixties and have exploded in success over the past few decades. More and more spiritual and religious teachers, coupled by motivational speakers and coaches, are giving us the same message, which is that the answers lie within.
Yet, quite often, we’re still looking for that quick fix, that easy answer. We’re still shaking off the ancient residue of being led by a master, someone who surely knows more than we do and will show us the way to righteousness.