I love you. End of story. That’s it. That’s all you have to know. This is enough to make you a knight who rides through life the way a fish swims through water.
With My love increasing in your eyes, what can hold you back? What can stop you or delay you? With My love strongly supporting you, what is there you cannot do? What is not a blessing no matter what it may look like to you or to others? Who is not your brother? Who is there that your heart cannot send blessings to? Who is there that you cannot give a moment of love to or share a moment of love with?
What comes before love, dear ones? Anything?
Please do not misunderstand Me. I am not advocating that you be on a Love Campaign or Love Parade. Quietly go about your day and allow love to usher from you. You don’t have to say a word about it. Just let love come forth from you as you live your life. You are not making love a project. You are simply being without resistance to giving love while you are at it.
There is nothing hard about it. You think there is. If love is too hard for you to put your arms around, then simply think in terms of friendliness or courtesy or even grace. Be not a withholder of love. Love from you could be looking straight into someone’s eyes.
No one who appears before you is to be unseen or denied. That is all. Someone does not have to be high in your esteem in order to be acknowledged. How you live your life is up to you and not the person in front of you. And if you cannot carry love in your heart for this one or that one, perhaps you can like them a little bit. You do not have to cast them aside. You don’t have to throw them out. You don’t have to embrace them, nor do you have to take away your grace from them. No one has to be a pinch to your heart, nor do you have to pinch another’s heart. Open hearts, yours and others. Don’t squeeze any heart closed.
What do you think getting out of the past means? It means letting the past go. Perhaps yesterday you deeply disliked someone or something. Today you are not obliged to continue in that vein. Dispense with being self-righteous and stuck on your opinions. Down with opinions. Do not let opinions be forms of discrimination. Unless you welcome to whatever degree you are able to at a given moment, you are discriminating. Cast off discrimination, not people.
Give a nod to the idea that everyone is My child and, therefore, your brother or sister. Not everyone on Earth grew up with a loving family. If this is the case for you, it doesn’t mean that you cannot be caring and responsible for giving, if not joy, at least not giving hurt or avoidance.
When you think about life and all it incurs and what some people go through, how can you not spread a little sunshine? Just a little. You don’t have to go overboard. It’s true that everyone needs a lift. What is more significant, however, is that you need to be one who uplifts. Carry upliftment rather than resentment or dislike. No matter what, it is not to your credit to dismiss anyone.
If you diminish anyone, you are diminishing yourself. Diminish diminishment. Increase upliftment. Be a blessing to all. Why not, beloveds? Why not? Welcoming to your heart is better than evicting anyone from your heart. You don’t have to be lovey-dovey. You do not have to spend time with everyone, yet, when your paths cross, be pleasant. That is truly being true to your Self.