Bill Brockbrader Says the President is Stepping Out Against the Cabal

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Bill Brockbrader Says the President is Stepping Out Against the Cabal

2012 MAY 7
Posted by GLR Steve Beckow

Good heavens, the cavalry is finally coming.


commentary from the Glactic Free Press: The NATO meeting will take place on May the 20/21 in Chicago, on these dated and until June 5th we have an auspicious period saying that quezicoatal is coming back and the Gods will land from the skies.


For those of you who have waited for some “insider” to say that President Obama is a white hat, that he’s at last pulling away from the clutches of his advisers, that he’s taking steps to round up the cabal, and that the wave of recrimination against him is a manipulation which we lightworkers have bought into along with so many other people, here comes “Bill Wood” or Bill Brockbrader  (and Eva Moore) with the lowdown on all of that.


Let’s hope that the President is about to receive some of the acknowledgement for who he is, rather than an endless stream of accusations.  Thanks to Steve, Jaya and Kathy for this.

Notice what Bill says in part 2 that there have been no natural disasters, false flags, etc., in the recent past. True. We haven’t had a weather-warfare event since perhaps last Fall. That certainly says something. It’s curious how much of Bill’s narrative follows what we’ve been reading from channeled sources.

Here are the other six parts of this series.  I probably didn’t need to post all six, but, hey, we’ve waited a long time for this one.











Thank you Bill Wood for

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Thank you Bill Wood for making this video and sharing this crucial information with us.  I want to say that what Bill Wood said about Obama is really no suprise to me, because for a while now my intuition has been telling me, and strongly at that, that Obama was indeed working for the Light, just as the channeled messages have also been saying for even longer.  I understand it completely looks like Obama is just as guilty as the Illuminati and is their puppet, and honestly if it wasn't for my intuition indicating otherwise, I would have hopped on the hate Obama bandwagon a while ago.  I am happy to have Bill Wood confirm to me what my soul has been telling me since I was able to hear it again.  I am still learning to hear my intuition, and trust what it is telling me, sometimes it is "louder" then other times.  It was always quite loud about Obama.  A relief actually know now know from two very good sources (I consider Bill Wood a rather good source, my intuition tells me he is) that Obama is working for the Light.  Even though the channeled messages have been saying that forever now, you really never know because messages can be interfered with by the ego of the channel.  There is soooo much dis/mis info out there these days, one really must use their discernment, which can be tricky to activate and maintain, and use.  Much Blessings and Love to everyone. :)