Holidays named after people are to announce and bring higher consciousness into the world. The most notable of these is Christmas and other such spiritual holidays around the world, Saints’ days and Presidents’ days. Holidays mean to do honor. A holiday like Columbus Day is honoring discovery and strong fixity of purpose. And, ah, birthdays are celebrated even of the humblest, for birthdays also celebrate Life.
Whatever you may think of life at a particular moment, life is fun. It is interesting. It is dramatic. Life gives you a lot to ponder. Yes, 3 cheers for life, that a son or daughter of God is born. There are so many births that births may seem like a dime a dozen to you. Plenty doesn’t mean ordinary. Each birth is new and filled with promise. How life gives opportunity! Life on Earth is a great opportunity. Yes, let Us celebrate life. Creation is a great delivery.
Before the blossoming of Creation existed Everythingness and Nothingness. A blank slate is also a great thing. We can lightly say that Creation arises from a blank slate. Without a blank slate, where could Creation be written? Of course, a blank slate is like a drawing board, and, of course, Creation comes from much deeper than what it is written on. The foundation of a Creation is deep and vast and holds many mysteries. There is no greater creation than Creation. It must be that all possibilities are written on the first day of Creation.
In one sense, all was created on the day or days of Creation, and now Creation simply plays itself out. Or was Creation created in a split second? Inasmuch as Infinity and Eternity ARE, neither time nor space exist at all. Creation was created in no time at all and nowhere. It cannot be accurately said that once upon a time, Creation rose up.
Hmm, is there desire in Infinity and Eternity to start a pulse of Creation? Where does desire then rise from?
Is an idea desire? The fact is that Creation is an idea. Creation is a swirling idea that does not really exist. Creation is illusion, yet before Creation, illusion was not. Ah, yes, Creation is a mystery. Where it came from is a mystery and a miracle. Perhaps all miracles are mysteries. I mean, really, how did you get here? There is no tracing you to the beginning. How do We figure out you and your appearance on Earth?
Could it be that from a flip of a switch Creation burst forth? There couldn’t have been a switch really, and would I have flipped it?
How could sound exist before Creation in order for Creation to be birthed from sound?
Vastness and Oneness must then be the field of all possibilities. Within the seed is the tree.
The more answers found, the more questions there are. Creativity is Infinite, yet Creation is finite, and yet finite does not exist in Infinity or Eternity. Is the Truth then there is Nothingness from which apparent Fullness came? It can’t be that from Fullness Nothingness came, or can it?
The Word is God. Here I seek the word Being. I, God, am Being. Hmm, even in Beingness, everything is contained? No, that can’t be, or must it be? Okay, Creation arose from a Platform of Beingness, even as no platform could have existed. Are Infinity and Eternity then Potential? At the time of Creation, there was not thought as thought is today. Somehow Creation arose from a grand and great field of…a great and grand field of…of what? How can you put your finger on it when all of this beautiful Creation is really a dream, a dream in common, communal, and communed?