Blue Moon In Aquarius: Balancing Self-Expression With Collective Needs

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We will be having a Full Moon in Aquarius on July 31st at 10:43am Universal Time. It is the second one of July, which we refer to as a “Blue Moon” in modern times. This happens every 2-3 years.

The origins of the term Blue Moon trace back to the Maine Farmer’s Almanac in the 19th Century. However, it originally referred to the 3rd of 4 Full Moons in a season, and interestingly was not associated with a calendar month like it is today. Therefore we now have both seasonal and calendar Blue Moons, this one being the latter. I have found that in some cases the events and circumstances which occur during these Moons may ring true to the “once in a blue moon” definition.

About Full Moons

Full Moons are the peak of the Moon cycle, as this is when the light of the Sun completely fills the Moon and marks the beginning of the following 2 week period when the light starts fading. This is known as the “waning phase.” Symbolically, because this is when the light begins to recede, this represents a time of release. Full Moons are generally the most intense and lively time of the Moon cycle.
