by Julian Rose
Rising-up almost perceptibly now, in an increasing number of individuals, is a powerful urge to give expression to truth at its profoundest level. This is the life-force itself, demanding action and urging all who feel it to step forward into the front lines of a great battle. The battle to overcome the purveyors of gross injustice and stand firm for the global manifestation of truth.
Truth can seem illusive at such times as these, as that which is an expression of Supreme Consciousness does not show its radiant face to those who take no risks and show no bravery. However, each of us are sparks emanating from one great fire, and due to this, are blessed with powers capable of bringing about a total transformation - once we choose to take the risk of living for an ideal that radiates with light.
At a time when ‘the lie’ has never been more dominant within the corridors of earthly power, it is up to us to unsheathe our swords of truth and cut a swathe of light through the dark backcloth of unprecedented deception. This truth-power brooks no equal - and simmers just under the surface with an increasing intent to explode volcanically outwards. It is, right now, weaving a strong and subtle web right under the noses of the insentient perpetrators of the great lie.
Truth can be discerned in many ways. On the subtle plain it is audible in the sounds of rustling leaves excited by the warming breezes of Spring. It is visible in the light that shines in the eyes of the free. It can be smelled in the salt of the sea, the richness of the soil and the perfume of the rose. It is tangible in the warm hands of an uncompromising and loving being.
This is the Age of Truth and nothing, but nothing, can prevent it manifesting. All that is needed from us is a little effort. A sincere attempt to locate the presence of this enigmatic flower, within ourselves. For that is where it resides, offering its irresistible perfume to all willing to give-in to the pull of its majestic presence.
Give-in to this pull – and immediately there arises a strong inner call to break the chains of illusion and death hanging over us, trying to pass themselves-off as ‘the reality of daily life’, when actually they are just ubiquitous manifestations of the Veil of Maya pushed into prominence by servants of a grand falsification programme.
There is a deeper undercurrent of purpose about the awakening taking place at this time. A sense of surety that its momentum will ultimately sweep-aside and greatly outlive the grotesque life distortions presently playing-out their demonic control obsessions on the global stage.
‘The great lie’ is being busted open and all its distorted manifestations are becoming clear to see; but still, in spite of this, not everyone does. This is a choice that each individual makes: to see or not to see.
There is nobody who cannot exert their free will and make this choice. On making the decision ‘to see’, one has opened one’s account with the Divine. But unfortunately for some – who are accustomed to immediate rewards on the touch of a button – it is not an instant access account to the full wealth of conscious enlightenment. It is instead, more truly expressed in the words of Lao Tzu “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
This single step opens the initiate into the sanctuary of his/her unique truth. From here on one can discern the difference between what is supportive of a further flowering and what is blocking that flowering and keeping one in prison.
On recognising this, one’s entire life becomes directed to the demolition of the prison and the fertilising of the soil for a great flowering. The beauty of being committed to the flowering is that all those in love with the same cosmic melody are drawn together, thus forming an increasingly powerful force for the wider emancipation of all living beings.
This incorporates helping to free fellow human beings from the delusions of Maya and urging them to take action in hastening the uncompromising defeat and eradication of the anti-life forces. Those that are attempting to re-engineer and control every last channel of life on Earth.
Being committed to defeating the forces of darkness means embracing the reality of danger and risk at every turn of the road. This is a battle royal, fought on two plains simultaneously: the one which houses our own inner demons and the one in which the external demons manifest their ambitions for totalitarian control over us.
This is the nature of the unavoidable confrontation facing each one of us as the heat is turned-up and the great mass of creation is forged down to its essence.
This is not a place for those who fear confrontation; yet inevitably, those coming face to face with the enemy within and without will find that the victory of truth over the lie can only be assured by raising the intensity of light that resides within, from a dimly flickering candle flame to a powerful ray of the rising sun.
To rise above the ubiquitous fear based pain body engulfing much of humanity today, requires a very special form of courage. On occasions it requires having what Carlos Castaneda’s shaman, Don Juan, describes as “guts of steel”.
How are yours?
‘The truth shall set you free’. Yes, but freedom does not come unless invited, and the criteria for the invitation is burned onto a sheet of parchment in bold script “To be free is to carry the torch of truth. To carry the torch of truth is to be responsible for supporting the health and welfare of Life on Earth.”
Our onward journey therefore translates into a collective effort to raise the bar of fearless action. To defeat the oppressors of the divine wellspring of existence and to redeem the sanctity of life.
Let us confront this unprecedented challenge with courage and bravely beating hearts, for this is our supreme test – and only in unity is our victory assured.
Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, writer, international activist, entrepreneur and holistic teacher. His latest book ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind – Why Humanity Must Come Through’ is particularly recommended reading for this time: see www.julianrose.info