ellion's picture


Major Changes About to Give Birth...

Pt 1

Pt 2

The Warning From President Eisenhower


I am not so sure. There are

Christy's picture

I am not so sure. There are many channels saying this is part of the earth's ascension. As much as I respect Mathew and his Mother, I am sitll not so sure that this quake is man made. I do not doubt that the dark forces could or would do this, but I would rather see a discusiion among lightworkers and hear from the angels and ascended masters. It was mention that there should of been more quakes, there was plenty of small ones with no damages. Even in Texas and Arizona. Could of it been an Earthquake diverted? I dont know that is why I would like to see a discussion. What bothers me the most about this post is it creates fear without any resolution of the issue. We are empowered beings. We are moving into the 5th. In the 5th there is no dark force. I would rather take responability for what is  happening on this planet then to disempower myself when I blame someone else. If this was man made then lets discuss a soulution. I say I am Devoted to the highest Truth. I serve Divine Will and Loving Light. My complete prayer/oath is posted at this site. I pray that I and all workers will be lead to the Truth and shown how we can better serve Divine Will and Loving. As a light worker I do not believe everything I see about the dark force. Remember this the dark ones often lie about themselves in order to throw us off. I would love to hear from other lightworkers on this.

A Little Late!

ellion's picture

Belated Greetings Christy,


I have not been blogging for a while and today was perusing my blog.  I just noticed your reply!  :)


As far as blowing up sites, causing earthquakes and such, I relegate that type of thing to my "possible but don't know" shelf.  There it sits until I read another update.  If enough evidence accumulates, I move it to my "watching" shelf and watch what other fellow lightworkers feel about it.  Eventually it gets to my "accepted" shelf which resides in my heart,  or it just dissolves as part of the illusion.  Its like putting a puzzle together, either it fits and enhances the picture or it goes back to the pile until it does.


I am presently excited with the energies that 10-28 and 11-11-11 brought in.  Focusing on watching the changes right now with the Occupy movement and the "Luvolution".


Hope all is well with you...



Love Is All