Shame strikes you more deeply than any other emotion – straight at your CORE – at the very junction where your physical and non-physical worlds collide.
Shame not only affects your ability to truly know and find affinity with your REAL Self, but as an adult, your ability to show up and function effectively and authentically in the world.
Shame can also be one of the most elusive and slippery emotions to grasp.
Shame and embarrassment around being seen as your true Self is most often a direct by-product of your childhood experiences. Being humiliated, reprimanded, criticised, neglected or overlooked, rejected, abandoned, violated, physically punished or otherwise abused – essentially being made to feel fundamentally flawed or unworthy of the innate need to be yourself, validated and unconditionally loved, are key factors that contribute to deeply seated shame. In fact, core-level embarrassment or shame can be so deeply submerged that perhaps you are reading this now, doubting that in your case, there might very possibly be significant amounts there.