November 28, 2013
Comet ISON on November 10, 2013
Michael Jager of Jauerling, Austria
To Isis
Bestower of Wealth,
Queen of the Gods,
Speaker of Wisdom,
Omnipotent Lady,
Agathe Tyche, greatly renowned Isis ...
through you, Heaven and Earth have their being;
and the gusts of winds and the sun with its sweet light ...
All who live on the boundless earth ...
invoke your fair name, honored among all ...
Syrians honor you as Astarte, Artemis, Nanaia;
Lycians as Leto, the Lady;
Thracians name you Mother of the Gods;
and the Greeks Hera of the Great Throne, Aphrodite,
noble Hestia, Rhea and Demeter.
But the Egyptians call you 'The Goddess';
for you are all other goddesses invoked by humankind.
-Isidorus, ca. 100 BCE
Eclipse Portal Closes
November 16, 2013 // Hi Everyone, How are you doing? What a month we've had! As November comes to a close, we will be wrapping up the eclipse portal that began with the Full Moon on October 18. This cycle peaked with a Hybrid Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on November 3, a powerful event made even more so by the 4th (of 7) Uranus-Pluto squares only two days before. I describe this eclipse, the Uranus-Pluto square, and their themes in my recent newsletter which you can read here: These themes continue to resonate and may be related to the comet discussed below.
The eclipse portal will 'technically' close with the Full Moon in Taurus (Sun in Scorpio) which occurs tomorrow, Sunday November 17. The eclipse portal is still energetically present, however, until November 28 when Mercury Retrograde will be completely finished. I.e. there is a 'shadow' Mercury Retrograde effect, concerning when Mercury gets back to the exact degree it was at when the Retrograde began. This is when Mercury is officially back up to speed after slowing down for three weeks.
The shadow ends on November 28, and so does the eclipse portal. We have changed so much in the past month/6 weeks! Keep in mind that November 28 is Thanksgiving in the U.S. It is time to immerse ourselves in GRATITUDE! for all that we have received and will receive- from earth, from the celestial realms, and from each other.
The eclipse portal closes with a bang and a sizzle! Along with the gorgeous Full Moon in the sensual sign of Taurus on Nov 17, we are having a close encounter with the Comet ISON, on its 10,000 year journey from the Oort Cloud in our Solar System (see below for more info on this). ISON will make its closest approach to the Sun (its destination) around November 28. Note the synchronicity of the dates of the eclipse portal ending and ISON's approach to the sun. This reveals how closely related ISON is to the Hybrid Eclipse of November 3 (and the Uranus-Pluto Square).
Additionally in regard to timing: the Earth will pass through the 'comet dust' of ISON on January 12-14, 2014, which is when the full message INTEGRATES into the earth realm. (See below for more information)
ISON has been heading our way for some time now, but it suddenly burst forth a few nights ago, on the evening of November 14. On that night many people were surprised by something in the sky - which some thought looked like a UFO. I'm pretty sure it was the Comet ISON which just 'turned on its light' after being faint for the past year. It's nucleus may be fragmenting, which means it will burn bright and then 'turn off' again.
ISON is green and white and appears to be changing color which is why some people thought it was a spaceship. Keep in mind that ISON - like all comets - actually IS an extraterrestrial visitor! Just not what we perceive as the Star Trek variety (not yet:) And so ISON brings us a message from deep space. What is it saying?
To explore this question, scroll down for some information on ISON's sudden outburst, and for some thoughts on its symbology and the information flowing from it.
Carol Ann Ciocco, Astrologer
newsletter archives:
ISON Outburst
FROM EARTH-SKY: Comet ISON has had an outburst! "We simply urge everyone who can to get out and observe it while they can." - Comet ISON Observing Campaign
VIEWING INFO: Comet ISON brightened substantially last night (November 14) and may be becoming visible to the eye alone, in a dark sky. It could be that the comet is now simply finally "turning on." Or this could be a temporary brightening, meaning the comet will fade again in a day or two. Or the comet's nucleus could be fragmenting. The comet is headed into the morning twilight now, as it hurtles toward its perihelion, or closest point to the sun, on November 28. Morning twilight is beginning to interfere with observations of Comet ISON, so if you're going to search, grab your binoculars for scanning the eastern sky before dawn ... and do it soon!
Read the full article from Earth-Sky here:
ISON Details
Comet ISON (C/2012 S1) was discovered at 5:15 am on September 21 2012 by Artem Novichonok and Vitaly Nevsky at the ISON-Kislovodsk observatory in Russia. ISON stands for International Scientific Optical Network, i.e. the telescope that discovered ISON was a part of this network. Note that Russia was the location of a powerful meteor strike earlier this year. (If you are an astrologer and haven't already, you can use ISON's exact discovery data to pull up its 'birth chart' if you like. The chart will reveal much but I don't have space to cover everything in this newsletter)
Comet ISON comes from the Oort Cloud, a collection of icy objects orbiting far beyond Neptune. The Oort Cloud is a gigantic 2 light-year wide freezer that contains pristine ices from the early solar system. It is located about 50,000 times farther away from the sun than Earth. Scientists estimate that Comet ISON began its journey from the Oort cloud about 10,000 years ago.
Scientists claim that comets are 'dirty snowballs' of dust and frozen gases like water, ammonia, methane and carbon dioxide. They believe that these substances are some of the building blocks that led to the formation of our solar system. Thus, all comets offer a unique opportunity for scientists to study pristine materials believed to date back to the our solar origins.
Some people theorize that comets are electrical in nature, and not just dirty snow. In addition, the first ever evidence of a comet's impact on Earth was found in Libya's glass desert recently. The remnant of this comment was a "small black pebble filled with diamonds. While the bulk of the pebble's material is carboniferous, with a few silicates mixed in, the scientists found that interspersed with the material are millions of tiny diamonds. These are usually found on Earth in rocks that have been subjected to very high pressures, but the scientists posit that the same materials could be generated in an exploding comet. The pressure of the explosion formed the diamonds in the pebble and the resulting heatwave created the Libyan Desert Glass."
AND SO: Comets become diamonds when they merge with earth.
This is comet ISON's first trek through the inner solar system. Visiting comets don't come around very often. And even when they do, some of them bring recycled messages. ISON's message is brand new, revolutionary, beyond our current understanding.
Extra-Terrestrial (ET)
Comets are, plain and simple, extra-terrestrial. They are visitors from the distant reaches of our solar system. This is difficult to grasp for humans and can cause fear. As a result, for centuries comets were associated with global disaster and approaching catastrophe. Simplifying and avoiding doom and gloom, I've provided here a few of the associations astrologers and scientists have identified:
(1) Basically, comets were (and are) seen by astrologers as indicators of changes in world leadership. This is something to consider as our governments are roiling and boiling under the pressure of the Uranus-Pluto square configuration.
(2) In addition, some astrologers believe that comets from the Oort Cloud bring messages from the fixed stars (not the planets). This is because Oort Cloud Comets contain material present at the formation of the Solar System, and thus are more directly exposed to the light of the fixed stars.
(3) Comets have also been linked by some scientists and theorists to the introduction of viruses which affect plants and animals, thus impacting future evolution. "Comets are an ideal vehicle for sustaining and transporting a variety of microbes, including viruses, from planet to planet and even from solar system to solar system. In consequence, when these organisms are deposited on a world already thriving with life, genes may be exchanged, the evolution of new species may ensue." - Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D and Chandra Wickramasinghe, Ph.D, 'Comets and Contagion: Evolution and From Space'
Picking up on the threat of evolutionary impact from comets, here are some thoughts on the ALIEN/ET (Extra-Terrestrial) nature and effects of comets - ideas which are being discussed in the present time as we stand on the brink of the Aquarian Age:
(1) I do think comets are like cosmic sperm and could possibly carry microscopic alien life forms within their space dust. ... I also believe comet showers can bring enlightenment due to this alien powder infiltrating our DNA. Who know? If space is a macrocosm of the microcosm in our bodies then why not planets as eggs and comets as sperm? Jamie at Astrology King mentions in his report that Comet ISON would spray us with space dust. But what could that do to us? Reawaken some sort of cosmic memory perhaps? Where is ISON from anyhow? Does its space tail contain essence of our origins? - Marina Partridge, Darkstar Astrology
(2) The arrival of a comet or meteor to earth is "just like getting a new crystal, earth is being given a new stone from deep space." - Gillian Macbeth Louthan
(3) Comets are known as vehicles for bringing great souls to incarnation. - Phillip Sedgewick
If you are willing to possibly have your mind blown, tune into the alien visitor called ISON in meditation, and receive messages concerning evolution on planet earth, our origins in the solar system, and extraterrestrial life.
I (am the Heart of the) Sun
To discern possible themes of the comet ISON we can also look into the possible meanings related to its name. The name ISON is intriguing. I am providing here some possible permutations and themes for meditation.
(1) The basic pronunciation has the hidden meaning of: I (am the) SON or I (am the) SUN. This shows us that we are LIGHT, just as the Sun is the source of all Light in the solar system. Mantra: I AM LIGHT; I AM A CHILD OF GOD; I AM A SON/DAUGHTER OF LIGHT; and "This is my Son (Daughter) in Whom I Am Well Pleased" (from the New Testament).
(2) Scrambling the letters can create the word SONI: The baby girl name Soni comes from the Hindi word which means, 'beautiful'. Soni means 'pretty' in Urdu. It is also a word of endearment. We are not only Light, we are beautiful, pretty, and dear to the Universe, to Spirit.
(3) Potential connection with the Latin word 'Sonus', which is the root of the words 'sonic' and 'SOUND'. Also related to the theme of sound, ISON spelled backwards is NOSI, which is similar to the word NOISE. Using sound and sound healing - as well as removing noise and embracing pure silence during this time might be beneficial.
(4) A downside of ISON is ISO(lation). This indicates a movement toward working in groups rather than toughing it out on your own, which is an Aquarian concept. All spiritual work is now becoming group work. Consider tuning into ISON not only in solitude but also in a group. Perhaps gather a group at the time of the Full Moon on November 17; or on November 28 when ISON meets the Sun. If you miss these dates, any time between now and mid January can be good for tuning in to ISON.
(5) Another variation on the word ISON is the phrase I SEE or the word ICY. ISON comes from the icy Oort Cloud, which is beyond Neptune in the outer reaches of the solar system. The Hybrid Solar Eclipse on November 3 was in the sign of Scorpio - a water sign - which represents ICE (frozen water).
What is frozen in your life? Is your heart frozen? This is the perfect time to allow your heart to melt by the heat of this blazing bursting Oort visitor. In addition, ISON is GREEN, the color of the HEART CHAKRA. The November 1, 2013 Uranus Pluto Square was associated with the Heart Chakra. (Click here for my newsletter on that subject: (
As a result, working with the Heart Chakra at this time is a very powerful exercise! ISON meets the Sun on the day of Thanksgiving in the U.S.: GRATITUDE and FORGIVENESS are beautiful, light-filled energies associated with this glowing green messenger from the outer reaches of the solar system. Open your Heart.
Madonna - Frozen
"You only see what your eyes want to see. How can life be what you want it to be. You're frozen when your heart's not open. You're so consumed with how much you get. You waste your time with hate and regret. You're broken when your heart's not open. If I could melt your heart, we'd never be apart. Give yourself to me. You hold the key. Now there's no point in placing the blame. And you should know I suffer the same. My heart too is broken. Love is a bird, she needs to fly. Let all the hurt inside of you die. You're frozen. When your heart's not open." - lyrics for 'Frozen', by Madonna
And perhaps most importantly, the word ISON is astoundingly connected to the word ISIS, the great mother goddess of ancient Egypt. Perhaps some of you work with this goddess? If not, just type the words 'Isis Goddess' into a search engine and explore her powerful legacy as the MATRIX of all life.
In addition the SONG TO ISIS at the top of this email captures her energy. This is a beautiful litany of the Great Mother Isis and reminds us of Mother Mary - the descendant of ISIS in the pantheon of Great Mother goddesses - who has a similar litany to her name.
Think about the great ISIS Mystery Schools in Egypt where Initiates learned about the great mysteries and raised their consciousness toward greater enlightenment and wisdom.
To validate ISON's association with ISIS, scientists have stated the ISON will pass less than one degree north of the fixed star SPICA in the constellation Virgo on the morning of November 21, 2013. PLEASE NOTE that the ancient Egyptians associated ISIS with Spica! (In addition, November 21 is the date of the heliocentric Uranus-Pluto Square. Click here for more info:
Spica is a bright blue star located in the hand of the Virgin Priestess. Often referred to as an wheat sheaf, it is related to abundance and the receiving of gifts. Spica itself is a GIFT:
A gift, being gifted: Spica is seen as the wheat sheaf in the hand of the goddess, Spica was considered a symbol of her gifts to humankind. These gifts were originally of harvest and bountifulness. The wheat sheaf, therefore, symbolized human knowledge of cultivation, a gift from the goddess.
In present times this type of knowledge is not venerated, so if Virgo was created in the 20th century, she might well be holding a silicon chip. Spica, the wheat sheaf, is the symbol of knowledge and insights which are respected.
Spica is a gift of brilliance, a hidden or obvious talent, skill or ability which is out of the ordinary. The word 'gifted' applies to strong Spica people and whatever this star touches, it will illuminate in some way. - Dr. Bernadette Brady, expert on fixed stars
Spica bestows gifts to the people: she brings wheat, dinner, food .. new software? a new ipad??. How have you been gifted, blessed? ISON's connection to Thanksgiving in the U.S. highlights the giving of thanks for all the gifts bestowed upon us - and those coming in at the time of this brilliant comet.
Tuning in to the goddess ISIS and to the star SPICA can bring insights into the message from ISON.
"The message of a comet is not delivered until the comet makes its closest approach to the Sun where the message is assimilated into the system. The message alters (old systems) and forms alliances into new patterns - it creates new connections." - Theodore White
What is the message of comet ISON? It is a message for Humanity. The themes of ISON described in this newsletter may help shed some light on your meditative connection with ISON. Introduce yourself. Ask questions. Receive answers.
A key date for contemplation and new connections with ISON is NOVEMBER 28, 2013 (Thanksgiving in the U.S.) when ISON will meet and greet the Sun. A message will be discharged.
Additionally in regard to timing: the Earth will pass through the 'comet dust' of ISON on JANUARY 12-14, 2014, which is when the message fully precipitates - ie this is when ISON fully incarnates, when we breathe it into our cells.
Below is a video from NASA concerning this 'comet dust' from ISON. It consists of a 'double whammy' that is described as quite rare by the scientist interviewed: "For several days around January 12, 2014, Earth will pass through a stream of fine-grained debris from Comet ISON...The shower is going to hit our planet from two directions at once...In my experience, this kind of double whammy is unprecedented."
ScienceCasts: Comet ISON Meteor Shower
Enjoy your dance with ISON!