One of the more advanced societies from Andromeda are asking us why we have accepted poison chemtrails by "our leaders for the last decade? "They" say that from their vantage point it doesn't look pleasant in our once clear skies. They also explain, (I'm sure to the skeptics),,,take note: "these spraying s are over your populated areas only, with exceptions to maintain other commitments to their agendas."
I would ask the same question but I am confident that YOU, the general populous don't care.
This by no means is meant as an insult to the ones of you that are open enough to read this nature of material. You are the investigators and are supporting the fix.
Now here's why most don't care or just have little to no initiative to raise up against the cabals. As I put on my Tom Terrific thinking hat, YOU, WE, have been vastly dumbed down over the years, mainly our/their religions, TVs (medias), their educations systems, "vaccines" our food and water supply, and you know the list is long, every way they find us thinking, talking, acting, feeling, they control it in one physical, psychological or electromagnetic way or another the best they can.
So when they got us in submissive mode, then they went to the next phases knowing that even though it would be in our face daily, we were already inoculated and pacified and wanted to keep our slave-jobs for our own stability that of course continue to finance their cause.
When you regain your sovereign power, you can surely do something about this mass genocide.
\I/___ Here's how___\I/
Did you know that the "OM" (OHM) means "I AM," Identify yourself with "I AM THAT, I AM" (note where the "comma" is,,,for other reference to this go to John or Exodus 3, where Moses asked what "Gods" Name" is, Abraham as well knew of this unlimited power) in all that you see, hear, touch, feel, smell and taste and sense in any way and do it all day long every time you think of it, make this habit and "The Almighty I AM Presence" that You are will merge, slowly but surely and absolutely.
The is awesome POWER in numbers, ONENESS!!! You are "That" every single one of "Them." there is no grain of sand or blade of grass that You are not. So why not connect with ALL of YOU?
Thank you
Brother David, I had forgotten the likes of my little friends haha
Namaste, Be at One 2 "Infinity" and Beyond #3