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The Wood Horse year is productive, a time of high energy, decisive action and appropriate reward and victories.  It can also prompt more people to be competitive in a wide variety of situations.  It can also lead to extremes of mood, finances, a need for many people to be constantly busy, and out and about, much more than usual, with very high activity levels.  What is important is correct timing, not just rushing into acting without ascertaining goals, as things happen so quickly this year.  Small businesses and entrepreneurial efforts can advance, progress and flourish this year, with appropriate, prompt action taken. .It also signifies more travel off the beaten track, unexpected adventure, and romance out for the blue for many.  It can be a year that is turbulent, untamed, and chaotic, in some respects, with some unexpected excesses and global changes, affecting everyone, one way or another.  For many people taking extra health precautions is wise.  Intense competition, continual movement with lots of change and variety are probable, with more optimism and easier negotiations worldwide.  Lots of people may experience a need for more freedom in their lives, and will dislike too much restrictions, wanting to expand their minds and horizons in many directions. 







You can now start to accomplish ambitious goals, stand out, and get to places fast, but need to take care to avoid accidents and breakdowns, so timing and careful management is especially important. Your career may be changeable or more demanding. Using common sense and caution helps you make smart choices and sidestep trouble. You need to be careful with money this year. You can build cooperative social networks to support growth and stability, but may need to work harder at personal one to one relationships.  You can achieve success, quite quickly, if you go about it the right way.  Making time for relaxation is vital.





You will focus more on your career, with more responsibility you’ll achieve success and complete projects.  You seek financial security and stability like long term investments.  Slow growth supports your best interests. You feel restless and excitable, but need to be adventurous and flexible, with changes, re-evaluation, helping you surrender what no longer works. Paying close attention to a partner is important, but your social networks and good friends, help you progress. Apparent problems gradually give way to new opportunities.  You remember to take care when travelling, and ensure you’ve carefully checked all arrangements.  




You'll discover innovative methods to solve problems, and may take on a leadership role professionally.  You’ve reached a major, positive turning point now. Go with the flow of events and you’ll enjoy rewarding team projects, slow growth, collaborative efforts and the courage to move in new directions. Don't allow setbacks to undermine your confidence. A stable income is important, but you may experience some setbacks and successes.  Closer love relationships are now probable, if you find ways to avoid discord with a partner.  Increased outdoors activities give a need to watch out for possible problems with your limbs.




You experience career growth, challenges, energy and talent, unexpected turns of fortune, and more courageous action. You'll confidently speak your mind and pursue your dreams with pride, enjoying teamwork, cooperation, and support. You can earn good money from your talents, but be patient with setbacks. Challenging events later demand original solutions.    You can build a strong relationship or meet someone new if single, and have more time to socialise, possibly increasing your circle of friends, but avoid money transactions with them. Maintaining a manageable schedule, taking care when driving and relaxation are important.  




You should try to maintain a balanced approach to career goals, and plan moves carefully to progress, enabling you to deal unexpected challenges and potential transformations courageously and originally, as you’re able to compromise more, you can gain financially if you’re careful, and prepared to work hard for rewards, and take advice if necessary. Use delays as opportunities to reconsider plans. Love relationships can be good if you work cooperatively with a partner.  Remember to pay attention to your health and safety by getting enough sleep, and driving carefully, enabling you to deal with anxiety and depression. 



Your disciplined, dedicated, professional approach now brings promotion and more rewards, enabling you to lighten up, although you’ll still be thoughtful and serious, but with a fun loving, adventurous, more hopeful outlook, and big changes happening all around. Financially things improve now, with a probable increase in your salary.  A wonderful relationship is probable with a partner if you’re attached, and it’s best to trust your intuition and follow your heart. Being honest and direct attracts support for creative dreams.  Exercise, the right diet and enough sleep are very important, to help avoid minor health problems.




You can now achieve power and leadership, in your career, but may face a few challenges, spending a lot of time with people find ways to resolve issues, with luck flowing in your direction when you need it most. You’ll experience many financial dealings, with others wanting to borrow, so watch your money carefully. Your freedom loving and adventurous nature is very much in harmony with the times.  You may have to work harder on relations with a partner to avoid quarrels, as you’re quite competitive.  You’ll probably feel stronger and recover quickly from health problems, but may suffer from mood swings or exhaustion. 




You may work harder in the background professionally, possibly gaining promotion and more recognition.  You feel more exuberant and like to try new things, finding it easier to accept change as an inevitable part of life. If you need financial help, finding the right people helps you to manage your money. If you’re single you might meet a long term partner now, or make new friends, and a pleasant flow of energy that promises happiness if you follow your heart, and express your sense of humour.  You might find you suffer from minor illnesses, can give sap energy, but ensuring you eat, rest and sleep properly aids recovery. 




You may have a much busier schedule professionally, with tiresome tasks, and a need for an intelligent approach to handling stress.  You’ll experience change and excitement, and possibly major, life-changing decisions. You have more opportunities to make money, so will work hard for this, but should avoid being greedy.  Your love life should be balanced, but avoid petty quarrels, if single you may have to exert extra effort to meet a new partner. Pressure relating to your career or money matters may cause stress, so physical conditioning. healthy eating and regular exercise matter, so do avoiding dangerous sports or activities.




You may have more job opportunities, to build your career, with more help and support, which is especially useful when you feel pressured.  You can though break free and transform your life in significant ways.  You may seek original ways to find money, maybe needing more effort, courage, energy and time to earn it.  Delays and missteps might make you impatient. You’ll enjoy positive relationships with a partner, and be more popular socially, enjoying a boost to your confidence.  Feeling too pressurised be career issues can affect your health, and you may need to pay more need to pay attention to your respiratory system.




You may now have more professional opportunities, you can build on and develop, and enjoy some release from pressure.  There’s a promise of happier times, and built-in exuberance making you feel more optimistic and confident.  Your main source of money will come from a salary or fixed income, with no quick returns.  You’ll develop helpful connections with people. If with a partner your relationship may deepen, more enjoying more time together and furthering your understanding, with a positive and openhearted attitude.  You may develop a few minor health problems, need to avoid injury and balance your health, sleep and diet.





You will be extremely busy professionally, needing vitality and brain-power, finding ways to develop your career, and increases your knowledge.  You may have mixed energy levels, but feel more confident, focusing on protecting your interests, and will want more freedom. You’ll use your knowledge to earn more money, but spending too much can lose it, so avoid strong temptations, extravagance and impulsive choices.  If single you have an opportunity to meet a partner, if attached your relationship is harmonious.  It’s important to try to avoid exhaustion, and balance career with relaxation, if health problems arise get medical advice.  



I can’t guarantee anything shown on these horoscopes, they only offer general information, as written by Beverley Taylor or Astrologymix so please note that they should be considered for entertainment purposes only. However I do make every effort to ensure the information I give is as accurate as possible. If you do have any queries please feel free to contact me.
