Choosing Perfection

Yojman's picture


Eternal Friends of Freedoms Love, Ahh, , We arrive at this precious point Together Standing in the Light, shoulder to shoulder ~ the pioneers of the entirely New Age of Spiritual Freedom for this little corner—this little button—of of the Universe that has been, up till now, on a long arduous journey of confusion and ___ , ___ ....

What is most vital for our happy Victory and Now Moment of knowing is that you-we come into the room or place of y-our Truth of what we do for the whole. That is: Choose ans Choose again and Choose again , The Perfection of Being. The Perfection of thinking, feeling, acting and re-acting ... As an individual of Unconditional Love;

Universal Wisdom and Spiritual Power. No more being "put through the ringer" or suffering in any little way ~ due to your choice of Choosing to Live y-our I AM Presennce—Present. You/We have lived through many Nows but never a Now as vital and supported as "This Now" There is more to share , so I / We will follow-up later.

Remember:  Who You are is The I AM , (((( and your name is OM (((((....