~ Choosing The Present Moment is a Constant Surrender~

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to Yet another day In the New Age of Aquarius. As Expected much energy Movement is underway. The Only choice Left is choosing Love and this is a constant surrender in the Present Moment of Now. The Now is where you will feel these New Earth Energies and the Expansion of Joy from them. We are On Our Way Up! We will Have an Inportant Meeting today Beginning at 10:30am Pacific. You can Join us at this Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart

Love, Fear, and Surrender


~ Galactic Love Reporter Sophie Rose~



Love is spoken of everywhere, all the time: in conversations with friends, on bumper stickers, in the Bible, on the cover of magazines. Fear, on the other hand, is not often spoken of as such, but more and more felt by many, maybe more so by those who watch the news. So what about the spiritual teachings on love  and fear?



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Astrology Report for February 2013


By Admin on behalf of Mahala, on February 2nd, 2013

Guest article by Dorene @ Astro Connections


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       ~**~     We are brought up to always have control over our actions, our finances, anything in fact that affects our daily life.    That is fine when it comes to making choices for our physical needs in the life we live in this society as it is now.      


But when it comes down to our spirituality, we are put into situations where we do not have that control anymore.      Eventually, our spiritual self becomes known to us and we begin to discover a life and a way of perceiving that is totally different from our everyday earth choices.      It can be quite confronting to many.



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Celebrating Surrender From Ego



By Dr. Swati Dhawan


Guest writer for Wake Up World

The biggest and the most destructive “disease” of today’s mankind is AN INFLATED EGO. From politicians to celebrities to spiritual gurus all are the victims of this “disease” and to the extent that they refuse to acknowledge that they suffer from it. 

It is poisonous to society, nations, continents and the globe. A person with an inflated ego is like a drunken elephant on a rampage through a forest where the forest is burning behind him. He runs without any direction to seek refuge and fails in all directions to find one. During his effort to do so, he not only ruins his own life but also the lives of other elephants, other animals of the jungle, trees, shrubs and birds. A true seeker of truth and follower of a spiritual path does not succumb to this disease because he is aware that this is the path to his destruction. He is aware that the path to freedom is surrender and Letting Go.



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February 2013 Energy Forecast with Lee Harris


Published on Feb 3, 2013

Lee's February forecast - full transcription found at www.leeharrisenergy.blogspot.com
More from Lee - www.leeharrisenergy.com

Music from 'Shifts' by Dan Burke (www.shiftsmusic.com)

Mandala art and animation by Dana at Nine Tomatoes (www.ninetomatoes.com)



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Blue StarShip/UFO Report - February 3, 2013


1979 - New Zealand, October 27. Two former Air Force photographic analysts called this picture,"inscrutable." In other words, a mystery.

This one photograph is from a series of photos, none of the others had an unknown in it. The object was not seen nor heard at the time.

Original source: "The Complete Sightings" Peter Brookesmith

Source: UFO Casebook 


UFO Sighting Possible Drone Or Scouting Ship




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High Council of Orion February 3 2013


Uploaded on 3 February 2013 by Krista Raisa New intro. New message. It seems as if they are moving towards a Q&A type of format in these videos.


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~Space Weather Update~ The Sun Awakens!!!~


SUNSPOT OF INTEREST: A break in the quiet could be in the offing. Sunspot AR1667 is crackling with C-class solar flares and appears capable of producing an even stronger M-class eruption. The sunspot is turning toward Earth, so future blasts would likely be geoeffective. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


LOUD SOLAR RADIO BURST: Yesterday, Feb. 2nd, the solar activity forecast called for "quiet." In fact, says amateur radio astronomer Thomas Ashcraft, "it was really loud. There were several strong solar radio emissions including one super-strong Type III burst at 1954 UT. I captured it at 28 MHz and 21.1 MHz as it totally drowned out a short wave voice transmission." Click on the image to listen:

Dynamic spectrum credit: Dick Flagg, Windward Community College Radio Observatory, Oahu, Hawaii


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The Heart Song for February 4th 2013


The Heart Song for February 4th 2013 is
The North Carolina Mass Chior with "Fill Me"

 Lord possess me now, I pray
Make me holy, Thine today
Gladly do I own Thy sway
With Thy spirit fill me.

Lord, I yield myself to Thee
All I am or hope to be
Now and through eternity
With Thy spirit You've got to fill me.

Lord, commission me I pray
Souls are dying every day
Oh, help me lead them in Thy way
With Thy spirit fill me

Fill me, fill me
With Thy spirit fill me
With thy spirit fill me
You've got to fill me

I AM NaGeeta


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Light Language Transmission with Jamye Price - February 2013


Jamye Price

Published on Feb 3, 2013


Jamye Price is an energy healer, channel, teacher and student of life. She channels healing energies in the form of Light Language, which are ancient and universal languages




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Poofness ~ Bye Bye Cruel World ~ 2/3/2013


poofGreetings and Salutations;

Enough has happened and locked in to end this journey. So we’re off to see the ‘wizard’. It pretty much took the ability to do right handed things with the left hand, to finish this job…the shifting of the world’s banking system. It took vast ‘commodities’ and unrelenting sticking to the task at hand. And a huge amount of focus to Not kill folks that (as they say) needed killin’. The arrogance was unbelievable, folks in circles that believe in their ‘right’ to lord it over everybody else who couldn’t see the truth when it was right at the end of their noses. Games up dudes and dudettes, the earth is not yours, to do as you wish.There’s an old saying, ‘karma’s a bitch, then ya die’.

From hence forth, ‘munchkins’ will keep telling you to follow the yellow brick road, no worries about getting dazzled by the brilliance. Lower your head and take on what ever task you set for yourself. Dance forward on your path and do it in joy. We aren’t going back, we are going forward. Going into the world created for these times. Much of what you will witness now, is folks passing because they can’t handle the change. Can’t deal with the fact that low frequency behavior is a thing of the past, like neanderthals having to deal with cro-magnon man. It took them a while to find out, they were actually living side by side for a while. Hmm, wanna make a comparison to the present?


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California Orders Wal-Mart Warehouse to Pay $1.1 Million in Stolen Wages


2012thebigpicture February 3, 2013

I found this on the OPPT Facebook page. There’s going to be a lot of great info shared there, so you may want to—do I need to say it— OPPT-In…

Remember the picketing Wal-Mart workers were doing across the nation? Well, it works!  We’re going to see a lot more people standing up for their rights and getting results like this. Letting the Powers that Were know that we’re not going to take it any more is paying off—big time! This is a significant settlement and a real kick in the teeth for the cabal.

As Drake says…it’s time to get off the couch and DO something.

The wage theft ruling is a significant victory for Warehouse Workers United



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Montague’s Message for Sunday, 3rd February 2013 The Most Important Is Love


Montague’s Message for Sunday, 3rd February 2013

The sharing of information is an extremely important part of the awakening. It is essential to understand that it is time to be liberated from the stranglehold which the dark has on your planet. Every thought and action has energy, so ensure that you do not waste precious energy on the trivia that is used to keep your minds off your predicament at this time. They have used ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE against you. I have encouraged you to research ancient knowledge, for it is there that you will find all the answers you are seeking.

It was during ancient times that the Dark Ones took over your planet and humanity itself. Those same families, through the ages, intermarried to ensure their SECRETS were safe. You were coerced into serving them, supporting them in every way, while their plans for you were dark and sinister. I have faith in the ability of mankind to wake up and say, "We have suffered enough. We no longer support you. Return all that you have unlawfully taken from us."


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Inititation into Heaven~ How It Began For Everyone On The Planet


Aidan With The Trees and River 2 Years Old Photo Taken 2007 Awakening Humanity


Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ On November 11th of 2007, 2 weeks before Father God and I Connected which was November 29th 2007. I had an experince where I was initiated into Heaven [ the part in this about co~ creating the new earth is underway NOW and you can put the rest of the pieces together]. This was before I remembered I was MotherGod. I did not remember this Truth until January of 2008. The Following was My Initiation Into Heaven, and Marriage with the Divine and I physically experienced each event in an etheric ceremony which I documented. Wow, it was truly an Amazing Experience which was unforgettable! Everyone will be experiencing this in their own unique way. We felt it was good to give You reference points as many will have similar experiences[ just ask earth allies rain and andrea]. Mine was unique to connect with Father God in this Realm. You can just imagine my surprise 2 weeks after this event, when Father God contacted me and said Hi, I am Your Twin Flame, it took me 24 hours to recover. Aidan mentioned below was my 2 year old at the time who assisted me in the awakening process, the entire way! Thank You Forever Aidan, Love You SO!


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Angels are called messengers, but messengers from whom and to whom? by Ron Head






We speak over and over about your hearts.  Let us begin today’s message with that and see a little of why it is so important.


You have all been told, for as long as you can remember, that you think with your brain.  Actually you do not.  Your brain is a marvelous instrument, but it is only an instrument.  You are more than a little likely, as you are one who reads these messages, to understand that you are not a package of meat and bones with a life, a mind, and a soul, but a life, a mind, and a soul that lives in a package of meat and bones.  You temporarily inhabit your body, and for the time that such is the case, it is actually within you, even though it feels as if you are within it.


The connecting link between you, as a life, and your temporary home, is another one of your bodies which contains centers of energy which perform certain functions for you.  Of these centers, your teachings have given major importance to seven.  And of these seven, one happens to be located in the vicinity of the organ that pumps blood through your systems.  It is this we refer to when we say your heart.


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Re~Hearter. Chat Session This Afternoon ~ ALL are welcome. Join us!





heartAwakening Stories and Questions & Answers
(With Mother God and Rain)

Sundays -- 3 to 5 pm Eastern
(Noon to 2 pm Pacific)

Welcome All! Join us to hear and share stories of Awakening and to have all your questions answered.
Be ready for LOVE and Laughter as we explore The New Earth and learn to co-create!

~ Love, Mother God and Rain


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Interview : Graham Hancock With James Tyberonn : Exploration Of Consciousness



Uploaded on 2 February 2013 by EarthKeeperVideo ( Lucas : use your own discerment in all you see, read, and hear.)

This video includes an interview that was conducted in December 2012, at the Earth-Keeper 12-12-12 Conference, hosted by James Tyberonn. Graham Hancock is one of the most prolific authors and researchers of our time. He is has written over 12 amazing books, which have sold over 12 million copies worldwide. He has been featured on BBC, National Geographic, CNN, The History Channel, Sky News, ABC, NBC, CBS, The Travel Channel, Omni International, Arts & Entertainment Network, Science  Television  and Fox News.

The interview with James Tyberonn and Graham Hancock is followed by Graham’s brilliant presentation. Take time to view this incredible video, it is well worth your time. Presented courtesy of http://www.Earth-Keeper .com

See Graham Hancock live at the May 2013 Earth-Keeper WESAK Gathering with James Tyberonn in Scottsdale, Arizona, May 24-26, 2013. Details online.

James Tyberonn Bio:


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Falling Down the Rabbit’s Hole




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Soothing Our Inner Child and Setting Ourselves Free




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Hilarion's Weekly Message, February 3~13,2013


Beloved Ones,
You are entering a magical time that will open up many avenues of possibilities for each of you. Be open to the synchronicities that occur with more rapidity in your lives and try to recognize the opportunities that are being presented to you. These promptings come in subtle forms in ways that may seem ordinary to you and it will be up to you to discern the treasure being given. You could say that you are in a treasure hunt! Spirit is bringing in more pieces of the puzzle that will put “Humpty Dumpty” together again. The key is to be fully present in the Now moment.
Staying grounded into the Earth helps you in these moments to act upon the outer opportunities that come. These opportunities vary and are as diverse as the Universe is wide. What is right for one may help another find clues to their own empowerment so it is important to join together to share your insights and findings. The game of remembrance is on, make it an adventure filled with passion, excitement, innocence and above all, trust, that you are moving to the next step of your journey. Many miracles can and will happen during the coming times.

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Larry Larson ~ Twelve ~ Twelve Insight Journal ~ Your Body Is Telling You What Your Really Thinking


graphReader:  I need help with the gap between spontaneity and communication of intent.

For most of you the gap between your communication of intent and your spontaneity, is because of the way you think you are communicating your intent. You are a very verbal, logical society and so you believe you communicate with your words, your verbalized ideas. But what you are really communicating with is your vibration. And that vibration is happening long before you really have a chance to think about it with your verbal mind.

So the gap is just the difference between what you are vibrating and what you think you are vibrating. It’s like that affirmation that you repeat over and over again, even though deep down inside you really don’t believe it. Deep down inside is the place you have to go to get your communication in alignment with your spontaneity. Spontaneity always rises up from within with the force of spirit.


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Published on Feb 3, 2013

I often see 44s. I was seeing 00s too, and not seeing the significance of that until Gina pointed it out to me. Something is going on; and those of us that are receptive to the subtle energies of creation are being given little signs of change. Of course Heather Ann and her creation of The One People's Public Trust is playing and will continue to play a big role in zeroing out the fictional world. What is the fictional world? you may ask. It is the Matrix of lies in which we have been living. It is so commonplace to live in this artificial reality that most don't even notice or think about it. That is changing. Today I want to talk again from my heart about what I feel is happening in this shift of the ages from ignorance to truth, from greed to love.



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Cosmic Weather Report~ The New World Belly Dance~ by Mark Borax



Join us for the Soul Side of Relationship.  Aquarius is happening on February 14 from 7 to 8 pm Eastern.  Complimentary to all born under the sign of Aquarius. Aquarians click here for access to the call.  Others can register for the upcoming call here or the series here.

February 2013

Westminster West, VT 



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Sharon's Take February 2013 ~ Getting Grounded and Balanced


As the energy from December/January begins to settle, take the time to make sure you feel like your standing on firm ground. It has been a wild ride for many and things will actually take a wee break before we head for the energy gateway for March. Take the respite while you can!


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The Big Bang



The Big Bang

February 2, 2013

By Mr. Moon Hippie Mystic:

big bang


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Simion ~The Evolutionary Collective ~ Surrender ~ 3 February 2013


Simion_web_logo_optWe are Simion, The Evolutionary Collective. We ask you now at this moment in your journey to Surrender!

“What?”, you may ask. “But, we have worked so hard to get to where we are. We cannot give up now!”

And we say, this surrender is not about giving up your light work, it is about surrendering to obtain your long due rewards. Surrender to being your truth and knowing the truth of your place in the universe.

“What do I have to surrender to know this?,” you may ask.

And the answer is, you must surrender everything to know and be everything.

Is this the surrender required of cult members? The surrender of your worldly possessions to the messenger? Absolutely not, as that is not true surrender, that is the concept of surrender manipulated.


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Astral Travels: Blessing the Old Earth from the New Earth


 by Galactic Love Reporter Wes Annac



The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter and this week, we are traveling to our fifth dimensional New Earth to perform Lightwork and help anchor it unto our current reality.

Having received visions of the New Earth, I feel the importance of performing the Lightwork upon it that will help bring us closer to it. You are all encouraged to perform the exercise below or any other exercise you find works for you personally, to begin helping our world resonate with our New Earth.

This week, we are going to travel to the surface of our fifth dimensional Earth and perform a collective blessing that is intended to carry-over into our physical reality and help mitigate some of the pollution and density manifested on our world every day.


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Elizabeth Lesser: Love is the Answer


Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

by Elizabeth Lesser, Omega Institute

Valentines Day is the day everyone celebrates love. Romantic love, family love, spiritual love … L-O-V-E. It’s the day the whole world acknowledges that love is the answer; that all we need is love. This year on Valentines Day we get to acknowledge something else. We get to blast open a global irony and give voice to a suppressed truth: the truth that as long as women are kept down, so will love be unable to transform the world.

Every prophet, poet and saint has spread the gospel of love. Every religion has its own version of the Golden Rule. Yet every culture has silenced the very group of people endowed with an inner genius for love: Women. Throughout the ages, women have been violently suppressed, their ideas ignored, their sentiments belittled, and their presence denied from where the grown-ups make the rules.

We have the opportunity now to change this. As women take their seats at the global table, we can bring with us a new kind of power; we can validate love as a guiding principle in culture. We can stop equating virility with violence. We can measure a person’s smarts not only by the ability to reason and strategize, but also by the capacity to empathize and communicate.


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Jennifer Hoffman – The Energies Of February 2013 – 4 February 2013


Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted on February 4, 2013


It’s a new month full of wonderful opportunities but they may not be totally obvious because you will have to go within to find them. In fact, you may to go more deeply within your self to see the value and potential of some of the choices that you are faced with this month. It is time to take a leap of faith off the diving board of potential, into the murky waters of the unknown which may be a bottomless pit or only ankle deep. You won’t know until you take the leap and land in it. The Energy Theme for February is REBIRTH and question for this month is do you want to sink or swim? Some floating and treading water may be required before you feel ready to make your choice but it won’t be as difficult as you may think.


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Latest Earthquake Activity - February 4, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes


All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

February 4


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Daily Tarot Reading ~ 2/4/13



Today's card is the 6 of wands, which was also in the monthly reading. The Sun is a reinforcing card for the six of wands, and that was just pulled on Friday. The Sun reminds us that whatever we want to do, we can do it!


The six of wands reminds us that we are already successful at the things we want. Envision yourself succeeding at the venture(s) of your choosing. Picture it in your head, write it out. Whatever you have to  do. Imagine how it makes you feel. Are you proud of what you've created? Does it make you feel like you have a purpose? (I'll give you a hint - you do, and it should.) Are you fulfilled?


Today, imagine how it would feel to achieve all your goals. Really visualize it then get to work on making them come true. Keep working hard, you're almost there.


(Picture from LearnTarot.com. I didn't have time to snap a pic this morning)





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Oracle Report Monday, February 4, 2013


Oracle Report

Third Quarter Moon Phase

Ruling Mahavidya: Matangi

The Oracle Report is on break and will return Wednesday, February 6th.



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Spiritual Growth


Angel Wisdom Monday, February 4, 2013


You are having important insights


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~ What's Really Happening On Planet Earth=Heart?~ Join US Live Today



Greetings Love Beings, Beginning at 10:30am Pacific We will Be having a Family Meeting. All 7 Billion People on this Planet are Encouraged to Participate with US. We will Be Discussing a Current Wizard of Oz Theme Occcuring in the Oneness Energies, The Synchronostic events which occurrred during the American SuperBowl last night, Stories About the Angels, The Universal Government unfolding, answer any questions and speak about any topics you have and Discuss What is Really Happening ON Planet Earth=Heart Currently in the New Earth Energies and much more. Join US Live At this Link:


Love WINS On Planet Earth=Heart!

Love The Earth Allies



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Listening to the Heart Chakra by Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Hope Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 04-02-13





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UFO Sightings: Alien Craft Spotted over Russia and Costa Rica? [VIDEOS]


International Business Times - 2/02/13, By IB Times Staff Reporter

Three Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) have been spotted over the Ural mountain range, which runs approximately north-south through western Russia. A video, recorded on 31 January, shows three shimmering lights in the skies over the mountains.

"Watch the orbs and how they flash as if they are communicating with one another. The stay close together and change formation. Only wish this person had a zoom on his camera so we could see more. A 30X-60X zoom would do wonders at giving up close details of these UFO orbs," Scott C Waring, wrote on UFO Sightings Daily.





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The manuscript of survival – part 263


aisha north February 4, 2013


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Asteroid To Give Earth Record-Setting Close Shave


KHQ.com - 2/04/13

KHQ.COM - An asteroid half the size of a football field will give Earth the ultimate close shave this month, passing closer than many satellites when it whizzes by, but it won't hit the planet, NASA scientists say.

The asteroid 2012 DA14 will fly by Earth on Feb. 15 and zip within 17,200 miles (27, 680 kilometers) of the planet during the cosmic close encounter. The asteroid will approach much closer to Earth than the moon, and well inside the paths of navigation and communications satellites.

To read the rest of this story, visit KHQ.com.


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Heavy rain causes flooding in Wellington


TVNZ - 2/04/13, Source: One News

  •  Twitter, @hamfritta)
    Rain in Wellington - Source: Twitter, @hamfritta

Emergency services are busy in Wellington tonight as the city is battered with heavy rain, with some areas flooding.

MetService has issued a severe weather warning for the Wairarapa, Wellington, Fiordland, Otago, Westland, Nelson and Taranaki.

To read the rest of this story, visit TVNZ.com.


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More than 40 huge sinkholes open up all over Pennsylvania’s capital, but the city is too broke to fix them


Mail Online - 2/01/13, By Damian Ghigliotty

  • Pennsylvania's state capital Harrisburg is struggling with 41 massive sinkholes running as wide as 50 feet
  • The city is too broke to fix them as it deals with ongoing fiscal problems
  • It could cost nearly half of Harrisburg's $50 million budget to permanently fix the holes 

 Harrisburg has also been unable to fix a sewage treatment plant that has been dumping toxic waste into the Susquehanna River, which flows into the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean

Other issues: Harrisburg has also been unable to fix a sewage treatment plant that has been dumping toxic waste into the Susquehanna River, which flows into the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean


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Giant veil of “cold plasma” discovered high above Earth


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 2/03/13

Clouds of charged particles stretch a quarter the way to the moon, experts say.  Illustration courtesy J. Huart, ESA

February 3, 2013 – EARTH - Clouds of “cold plasma” reach from the top of Earth’s atmosphere to at least a quarter the distance to the moon, according to new data from a cluster of European satellites. Earth generates cold plasma—slow-moving charged particles—at the edge of space, where sunlight strips electrons from gas atoms, leaving only their positively charged cores, or nuclei. Researchers had suspected these hard-to-detect particles might influence incoming space weather, such as this week’s solar flare and resulting geomagnetic storm. That’s because solar storms barrage Earth with similar but high-speed charged particles.



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Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology says January 2013, was hottest on record


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 2/04/13

February 3, 2013 – AUSTRALIA - The Bureau of Meteorology said both the average mean temperature of 29.68 degrees Celsius (85.42 degrees Fahrenheit) and the average mean maximum temperature of 36.92 Celsius surpassed previous records set in January 1932. The nation’s central outback sweltered under a “dome” of heat for much of the month, with the Northern Territory posting its hottest mean temperature on record for January of 31.93 Celsius, the bureau said.



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Heavenletter #4455 - Lights Are Going On All over the World


Heaven Letters Published on: February 4, 2013

God said:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God. Each sound contains its own vibration. What distance is there between sound and meaning? Does the sound of a word come first, or does the meaning come first, or do they come simultaneously? Can there be meaning without vibration? Even thoughts have vibration. Even light has a vibration.

We can say that life began with a jiggling of a vibration. We can say that life began with a twang.

There are a lot of things We can say. We can say that life began with a bang. We can say that life always was, yet, nevertheless, it would appear that there was a moment before the match of life was lit, a moment on the verge, the way there is a moment when the conductor holds up the baton.


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Paluweh volcano, Indonesia: major explosion with ash plume rising 13 km, aviation alert level on Red


Source: The Watchers - 2/03/13, By Adonai


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Morning Blessing: 02.04.13 Divine and Loving the Thrill


"Since consciousness is the basis of all reality, any shift in consciousness changes every aspect of our reality. Reality is created by consciousness differentiating into cognition, moods, emotions, perceptions, behavior, speech, social interactions, environment, interaction with the forces of nature, and biology. As consciousness evolves, these different aspects of consciousness also change." - Deepak Chopra


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3MIN News February 4, 2013: Arctic Methane Rising




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Feb 4, 2013


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Another Clipper Delivers More Snow From Great Lakes to Mid-Atlantic


Accuweather.com - 2/04/13, Matt Alto

More light snow is on the way for towns and communities from the Great Lakes to the mid-Atlantic as yet another fast-moving storm originating from western Canada, called an Alberta Clipper, races east.

The latest system is just one in a parade of clippers. that have been impacting many of the same areas since late last week.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Accuweather.com


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Visionkeeper - Life Laws To Live By…


One World Rising Posted on February 4, 2013



I have written about this before but I feel it is a good time to bring it up again. As we are leaving one paradigm and moving forward into a new one, I think many people are feeling confusion about how to do this, how they should be, how they should think. I think there are generalized life laws we can all live by and try to live up to and in doing so live an authentic life of meaning. The way we have been living for so long now in a world stripped of its morality and respect, I think most of us need to take a step back and pay attention to how we are living our lives. In the new world our focus is no longer on our own lives but rather on the whole of humanity. Is how I am living good for those around me and for the whole and not just myself? Living our lives through self-centered thoughts is now fading away and asking ourselves if what we are doing or being is for the good of all is settling in. This is how we must begin to live our lives if we want the new world to flow smoothly and be loving.


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Wind, Rain and Snow Set to Blast UK


Accuweather.com - 2/04/13, Evan Duffey

Strong winds will continue to batter the United Kingdom and Ireland from Sunday into early next week as yet another powerful storm impacts the island nation.

The powerful storm will make the trip all the way from Iceland to Scotland on Sunday, before eventually moving into Germany.
To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Accuweather.com.


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Making a Joyful Noise Today!


I am hearing the most wonderful things today. Kem* told me to entitle this post, Making a Joyful Noise. We've probably all heard that many times and thought it had to do with singing or something. Well I just found out what it means. I am vibrating at the rate of JOY. It feels strange yet good. Probably strange because I have not vibrated in joy this purely before. You would have thought I had...birth of my child, my marriage, etc. etc. but nope, not this vibration. Perhaps it's the new 5D grid that is allowing for this more PURE vibration. He did say it was pure.


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Is being Naked actually important? I feel a strange calling



by LightBiscuit86


So the winds of change are blowing in my direction again, and besides the oddly-coincidental synchronistic events that continue to take place every single day, for instance  every day i see only one single butterfly when i am outdoors at a time of high vibrations, its been happening for a few days now, i havent seen a freakin butterfly in many years. i cant even remember the last time lol, but i say hi to them i say i love you and go back to doing my human thing. lol, but if thats not enough, there are strange numerical events synching up which sometimes kinda freaks me out how perfect that number feels at that specific moment, the most commen numbers i seem to never miss, are 1:11, 11:11:, 3:33, 11, 47, 555, 55, and im sure a few others, annnnd i digress lol,  



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~Everyone of Humanity is a Royal Angel~




~As Each day Passes, we Are Moving Closer and Closer to The Complete Destiny of This Planet, which is the Return to Full Consciousness, Complete Balanced Harmonics, Your True Nature as Divine Royal Angels. We know Many of you find it difficult to Grasp that Indeed you and all Of Humanity are Royal Angels, and that You Have Wings!! This Truth was kept far from You for A very Long time, and even though for Years, Kryon has Mentioned this Truth, many of you did not quite Understand the Magnitude of Who You Truly are. Reaching Full Consciousness, you Will Remember This Truth of Being a “Royal Angel”. Royal Angels were the Only Angels which received Souls.



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James Gilliland ~ Just Numbers ~ No Emotional Manipulation



www.eceti.org | February 3 2013

From the World Health Organization ~ the latest murder statistics for the world

Murders per 100,000 citizens. The United States is easy to find. It’s at the very bottom. ALL the countries listed above America have 100% gun bans


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~Surrendering to the Light~


~Galactic Love Reporters _ ^ _ Rysa Perisanna~



~ I surrender to the White Light and to the Golden Love of the universe that is coming forth. I surrender to the truth of the new age that has spoken to my heart and guides my soul. I surrender to you who are my other twin who knows my spirit and guides my life. It is time that we come into power as the guard has changed and there is no guard upon the lighted pathway. We are free to become real. We are found in the light. The darkness is past. We are immortal[ Eternal].


~ All is that is and we are given the truth that we are One and in being One we are with a unity of spirit to bring peace and happiness to the Family of Light which we are.  You have walked through the darkness and walked through the unreal and now you are moving from death to light.


~ The light that shines from within is the energy of your being which gathers force. It is with the breath that you gather in the energy and send it forth with greater power and focus. The time has come as time is our making of conscious awareness. Listen to these words for these are your words. They are spoken in the language of the secret path of the inner way to the heart of the infinite circle of Love.



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TheOne-DreamDreamer – Stop The War, Who Else? – 4 February 2013


Thanks to Lucas2012infos posted on February 4, 2013


If you stop the war against religion



diversity of race, path, level of awakening, leaders and followers

If you stop the war agains the illuminati


groups and clans

against hate and war itself

against death and illness


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Bill Ballard ~ Comment About Sun and the Electric Universe Theory ~ 4 February 2013


Thanks to lucas2012infos

BillBallard1Lucas : Bill commented in his FB page on the earlier posted article about the sun not being  thermonuclear and being connected to the electric universe theory.

Bill Ballard: Very Interesting!
So, in this report (as others recently out) the Sun is ELECTRIC, and not a hydrogen nuclear reactor except on the surface where Solar Flares are occurring…

That makes sense as we look at SO’s (Suspicious Observers) video I just posted on below about yesterday’s cosmic measurements and that all compared to yesterdays intensity so many of us are feeling on Earth in our Light Bodies. See, we did not have the Coronal Stream hit us, the magnetic shields of Earth held but are in their ultra low status which Earth’s magnetic field is like a Faraday Cage protecting Earth and all on it. Also, the CME incoming was low impact being measured and the Cosmic Ray Density was low…


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Angela Peregoff ~ On Target ~ Divine And Loving The Thrill ~




“Since consciousness is the basis of all reality, any shift in consciousness changes every aspect of our reality. Reality is created by consciousness differentiating into cognition, moods, emotions, perceptions, behavior, speech, social interactions, environment, interaction with the forces of nature, and biology. As consciousness evolves, these different aspects of consciousness also change.” – Deepak ChopraDear Reader,


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Weaving The Dream Into Reality!



dream weaver


Yesterday was kind a really strange day in my body.  My left hemisphere of my brain was taken almost completely off-line, an experience I have not had quite like that before.  But it really, I mean really showed me the intense value of our left brain, but equally, how far into the outer reaches of understanding, consciousness and connections can happen when it is not so… present.

The left brain makes our world constructible.  Without its full presence, I couldn’t even put food together.  I went to the store and got a boxed pizza, I almost never eat anything that comes out of a box, but without that left brain, the task of putting the pot roast that I pulled out into a meal… was not happening.  Even walking down to the river was a challenge.  The left hemisphere orients you into time and space, shows you where your own center of gravity is.  I wobbled to the river.


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Published on Feb 4, 2013 Ron Van Dyke


For a long time in my life I have had recurring visions of a very happy and bright future for humanity. That, I truly believe, is God's will for us. Our trials and tribulations were never intended to last forever; and I have seen my role here as one of both seeing the Divine essence in humanity as well as helping to awaken our family to the reality of that heaven within us. Frankly, I'm surprised our awakening has taken so long. Those who have been listening for the last couple years know of my frustration and challenges as I have dealt with disappointment. To me, as long as our so-called leaders are lacking in real vision and commitment to the truth, our journey will be filled with obstacles to our happiness that block the fulfillment of our dream of peace on earth. Still, in 2013, the timing for all of this remains uncertain. It's coming; I just don't know when or how.

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