The Church is One Foundation
By Papa Source and Hazel Melchizedek
Apr 9, 2012 - 2:11:14 PM
Dear Friends
I wrote this piece with Papa Source and my higher self. This was done before 'The New Religon'
Love and Light
The Church is One Foundation
The church is more than a physical structure whether it is called Church, Temple, Mosque, Synagogue etc. The foundation is that which is Divine, of God.
The Church is meant to be the foundation of all God’s truth, values, virtues, qualities attributes and laws. It represents the body of God which embraces all without distinction or discrimination as the body of God represents the Oneness of ALL.
There is only One God; there is One Body; there is One Church whatever you choose to call that church and there is One foundation.
The Father has said to me ‘You (meaning man on earth) have made the Church, Temples, Mosque and Synagogues a place of worship; yet I say to you that you are the temple; you being the body of God are the temple where God resides. The foundation of the Church starts with you’
The Church has been institutionalised but God is not an institution and cannot be institutionalised or limited. HE is sacred energy that is limitless in HIS eternalness.
The Father has said to me: ‘The body of God is not divided and therefore should you wish your Church to reflect God then there should be no division amongst churches. In God’s kingdom there is no separation and therefore the Church must condone only unity. In the body of God there is no inferiority or superiority; no part is better than the other and none chosen above the other. There is only oneness.
Each religion has created its own ‘church’ to reflect the dogmas and doctrine of its respective beliefs. In God’s kingdom there is only truth. Truth cannot be believed; it must be known. Truth is the Religion of God and God’s truth will not always be confined to what is recorded on paper but must be discovered through mortal experience through the union of the individual with God. The Church is the holder of All truth but the Church I speak of is not the creation of man but the creation of God through the soul of man. There rests the seat of God’s church’.
If the Church is One foundation, all churches should share the same truth if they intend to represent the ONE and ONLY God’
Should each come into the understanding of what this means then should you stand in unity in a place of physical orientation, there will be your church. Likewise should you congregate in the structure labeled Church, there too shall be your church. The Church of God is where you are, should you rest in unity within the understanding and light of who you are. You must recognise that the Church in reality can never be a physical structure for the physical holds no reality.
Should you choose to embrace all that is real, then I ask that you see ‘ALL’ within you and yourself within ‘ALL’ and you will know that there is only one foundation for there is only One God who is ALL.
The Church is One foundation
In wholeness and accord
There is no separation
For each is part of God
HIS body can’t be broken
Yet all in HIM is free
United through the God mind
HIS Church will ever be
The Church is One foundation
One Light, One love in All
Each soul is in dominion
Their birthright to recall
Through resurrected Christ light
Their vision to repair
And knowledge to inspire
God’s Church to be revered.
The Church is One foundation
On which each life is built
The brotherhood of mankind
God’s purpose to fulfil
HIS kingdom to establish
On earth through minds and hearts
HIS light ever to burnish
HIS Church ordained to rise.
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