lawrence lu's blog

PJ(Phoenix Journal) # 50 " THROUGH DARKNESS INTO LIGHT ."

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"'In the beginning' is only an actual 'Once Upon a Time' .... But you MUST come to realize, and very quickly now, that you didn't just go 'big bang' and neither did you "swim ashore". You were created as Man and brought unto this placement by your elder species. Also and "further more" you did not assemble from the asteroid belt of the 'big bang'. But you did have a very large happening occur and now you are making it back around to the place in the cycles wherein you can expect an-other and even more powerful 'Bang-Bang', time warp, time shift and energy shift--into a time of experience of LIGHT.

"We have efforted to bring comfort to you with our presence and purpose but you as a species and civilization are 'right up against it'. This is going to get more and more tumultuous as 'time' passes and events unfold. May you be given to under-stand and recognize that which IS TRUTH from the LIES of the adversary for therein lies your direction and passage."

Hatonn writes about various subjects such as: The Importance Of Atlantis And Lemuria In Our History—The Philippine Islands And Their Key Part In Ancient History And Immediate Future—The Truth About The Birthing Of Planet Earth & Our Moon, Plus History Of The Outer Planets In Ancient Sumarian Texts—History Of The Photon Belt, Its Cycle And Significance—Walter Stickney, United States Dictator-In-Waiting (FEMA)—Masonic Symbols In The Washington, D.C. Street Layout. Foreign tanks and blue helmeted foreign troops being dispersed throughout OUR country - Also, Hatonn keeps abreast on everyday world happenings.(Index Included)

PJ (Phoenix Journal)# 04 " SPIRAL TO ECONOMIC DISASTER ".

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This Journal contains details about our current economic malaise and Waking-up to some economic realities. Exposing the "grey-men" and the secret government, their manipulations from a historical perspective, the degree of their diabolical capabilities, and the perfection of their plan on the unsuspecting "masses". Depression imminent. Get ready, it is coming down fast. New currency and some solutions for not getting caught in the new money and debit card system. Get your hands on cash (under 50s) and stash it (not in a bank). Financial strategies across the board. The solution of Incorporation (for everyone). The Nevada secret. Prophecies of these times previously given. Sananda and Aton state 'how it will he'. (Index Included)

PJ(Phoenix Journal) # 03 " SPACE — GATE, THE VEIL REMOVED ".

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Hatonn provides Facts concerning the governmental cover-up of extraterrestrials visiting our planet, and crashing on our planet, as early as the late 1940s/early 1950s. Historical perspective of the period from the late 40s to present is put forth with many surprising, startling and troubling details of secret actions by governmental agencies and representatives. Disclosure of various "secret" agencies and societies, such as the "above top-secret" MJ-12 (Majestic 12), The Jason Society, The Bilderbergers, the secret government, the "grey-men" and details regarding their strategies and operating methods. Past cover-ups are exposed. Clarification of the ongoing peaceful intent and involvement of the beings from space. Signs of the times, prophecies and the involvement of Satan and Christ in these "end times are clearly stated. The correlation between Christ and extraterrestrials is clarified. (Index Included)


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