Our minds can get stuck on a loop, repeating phrases that literally keep US stuck! I really noticed this the other day when another mum I met shared that they were planning on having another baby this year. I said: "We're trying too." Only suddenly it struck me - my tone was so gloomy! I may as well have said "We're stuck too, sad face sad face" OMG is this depressing tone the vibration I've been carrying on this topic?! Obviously yes! With fresh inspiration I took a leaf out of her book and re-launched the spring in my thought step. From that second on I decided to choose to correct my thinking: "We are planning on another baby too!" Ahhhh, that feels MUCH better!
Whether it is a thought keeping you stuck, or the thought is a manifestation of an underlying sticky emotional/energetic issue, (and it is ALL being revealed this powerful year) correcting a thought pattern loosens everything up in a good way. Try it right now with something you have been stuck on. The difference in feeling, and thus vibration, and thus what you can energetically allow vs push away is incredible.
Until a new way of thinking becomes your natural new normal, set affirmations can help to re-direct and re-wire your usual thought grooves. Stick positive phrases relevant to you up where you can see them every day. Inject them with feeling - that is: say it like you mean it. Visualise it like it is already real.
If you don't believe this works, say the below examples with feeling....and then say the opposite to yourself. Notice the difference in your body, how it changes, depending on what you are telling yourself.
The following came through in a session for a client the other day, and might be helpful to some of you right now too:
The way forward is now easy and smooth for me.
The doors allowing great changes that help people are now swung open for me.
My voice is heard and encouraged. My ideas are put into action.
Who has used thoughts and affirmations to turn things around? Share your stories here!
(c) Dana Mrkich 2015